Baloch activists hold protest in solidarity with families whose members subject to enforced disappearances

Mar 02, 2021

Amsterdam [Netherlands] March 2 : Baloch political activists organised a protest in front of the Royal Palace in Amsterdam to show their solidarity with the families whose members have been subject of enforced disappearances in Pakistan's Balochistan province.
A large number of members of Baloch National Movement (BNM), including children, joined the protest.
The president of BNM, Netherlands zone, Kiyya Baloch while addressing the protest said, "We are with the families of the victims of enforced disappearances, we will raise our voice for them at every corner in the world. We will uncover the atrocities and oppression of Pakistan on our peoples".
"Pakistan is preventing human rights organisations from visiting Balochistan. And we will narrate the barbarism of Pakistan in international forums," he added.
The member of BNM Imran Hakeem said, "Pakistan is increasing its oppression on the Baloch day by day. The tears of our mothers and sisters will not go in vain. Soon the day will come when the civilized world will perceive the barbarism of Pakistan."
A large number of political activists, intellectuals, and students have gone missing in Balochistan province of Pakistan in the past few decades.
The families allege Pakistan's spy agencies behind enforced disappearances, tortures and killings of these missing persons. The family members of these missing persons continue to hold protests in Quetta, Karachi and Islamabad, but the government has ignored their demands.
There are even reports of protesting family members being harassed by the spy agencies and security forces.