War widows felicitated in Mumbai by Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust

Dec 22, 2021

New Delhi [India], December 22 (ANI/GIPR): A special event was organized in Mumbai recently by the Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust to felicitate the widows of Indian Army Officers who laid down their lives in the service of nation. Nidarshana Gowani, Founder of the trust, applauded the women for their courage and determination in the face of such irreparable loss.
The women received a token of appreciation from the trust in recognition of their efforts in continuing to lead a dignified life and bringing up their children in an exemplary manner.
Talking at the event, Nidarshana Gowani said, "Women are the pillar on which a family stands. Their courage is no less a source of inspiration for their entire family, including their husband. The widows of our Indian Army officers are, in fact, a true example of bravery as much as their brave husbands because these women continue to raise families, educate their children, and play a significant role in the society. I feel truly honoured to be able to spend time with them and bring a smile to their faces." She made a particular mention of a war widow whose husband was martyred during one of the India-Pakistan war and who sent her son back to serve in the Army despite having lost her husband to war. Nidarshana said that each one of the women present at the event was a motivation for women everywhere else.
She also talked about her NGO, Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust, and its various programmes and initiatives aimed at "rising by lifting others." The Trust reaches out to the less privileged sections of the society and provides them with a chance to lead a better life through financial help and guidance.
This story is provided by GIPR. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/GIPR)