Does physical and mental exertion have different effects on men and women's thinking?

Jul 25, 2022

New Delhi, July 25 (ANI): Studies have shown that maintaining cognitive function and preventing dementia can be accomplished by participating in both mental and physical activities. A recent study found that these benefits might vary across men and women. The study has been made available online in the American Academy of Neurology's medical publication. The study looked at how mental and physical activities like reading, going to class, playing cards, or playing games affected cognitive reserve in the areas of thinking quickly and remembering. The defense mechanism known as cognitive reserve helps people maintain their mental sharpness even when their brains show the underlying abnormalities associated with dementia and cognitive decline. Greater levels of physical activity were shown to be associated with higher levels of thinking speed reserve in women but not in males, according to the study's author Judy Pa, PhD, of the University of California, San Diego.