414 new COVID-19 cases reported in Afghanistan, total rises to 6,053

May 15, 2020

Kabul [Afghanistan], May 15 : A total of 414 new coronavirus cases were reported in the last 24 hours in Afghanistan, taking the total to 6,053, Tolo News reported citing Ministry of Public Health.
The new cases were reported in -- Kabul (162), Herat (132), Nangarhar (26), Samangan (19), Kandahar (13), Paktia (12), Laghman (8), Ghazni (2), Helmand (1), Kunduz (5), Jawzjan (9), Faryab (6), Zabul (5), Paktika (4), Kapisa (2), Badakhshan (3), Sar-e-Pul (1), Daikundi (1) and Khost (3).
As per the latest information - 1,718 cases have been reported from Kabul so far; 1,067 from Herat, 461 from Balkh, 273 from Nangarhar, and 227 from Paktia.
The virus has so far claimed 153 lives in the country while 745 people have recovered.
Globally, the number of coronavirus cases have reached 4,444,670 while the death toll has risen to 302,493.