AAI signs agreement for providing air traffic services at Noida International Airport
Mar 01, 2022

New Delhi [India], March 1 : The Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Yamuna International Airport Private Limited (YIAPL) has entered into an agreement for the provision of Communication Navigation Surveillance Systems (CNS) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) facilities and services.
AAI will provide the Air Traffic Services at Noida International Airport in Jewar.
As an Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP), AAI is the only entity statutorily empowered to provide air traffic services in India.
The agreement was jointly signed by Christoph Schnellman, CEO, Noida International Airport (NIA) and Kiran Jain CEO, YIAPL and K Vasudevan, ED Air Space Management (ASM) on the behalf of AAI, in the august presence of AK Pathak, Member (Planning), AAI.
K Vinayak Rao, Member (Finance); M Suresh, Member (ANS) and Senior officials of AAI and YIAPL were also present on this occasion.
"The Noida International Airport in Jewar is expected to be commissioned by the year 2025 and AAI will be associated with the airport operator in all three phases covered under the CNS-ATM Agreement viz., the pre-commissioning, commissioning and the operational phase," said AAI in a statement.
The airspace design and flight procedure design will be undertaken collaboratively under the aegis of the Air Space Management (ASM) Directorate of AAI with the participation of the New Delhi Air Traffic Control Centre and the airport operator.
As per the agreement, AAI will plan, procure, install and commission the CNS/ATM equipment and facilities and provide air traffic services for Noida International Airport.
The facility will also be equipped with Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems and ATS Automation Systems which will enable situational awareness and provide decision support to Air Traffic Controllers for all-weather operations.
Speaking on the occasion, A K Pathak, Member (Planning), AAI said, "AAI is pleased to partner with Noida International Airport and is upbeat about these kinds of challenging projects, which will open new gateways of operating multiple major airports in the vicinity of each other catering India Metros. Mumbai and Navi Mumbai are lined up for a similar approach. AAI has already signed the CNS ATM Agreement with Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIAL) in the year 2018."
AAI is also expected to deploy its trained, skilled and competent ATC (Air Traffic Control) and ATSEP (Air Traffic Services Engineering Professionals) manpower to meet the standards of service. Noida International Airport is expected to operate 24 hours from its inception.