Afghan clerics calls on Taliban to ensure access of education to women in country

Apr 09, 2023

Kabul [Afghanistan], April 9 : As Afghan females continue to suffer under Taliban's hardline regime, religious clerics of the country have called upon the Taliban to ensure access of educational opportunities, TOLOnews reported.
The hijab shouldn't be used as a justification to prohibit women from receiving an education, according to Abdul Sami Ghaznavi, a lecturer at the Central Jihadi Madrasa, and teaching women is one of the responsibilities of the Islamic government, the Afghan news agency reported.
"Education is not a problem in the eyes of Sharia. Mohammadullah Mohsen, another religious cleric, stated that Islam necessitates that we comprehend and receive education."
Meanwhile, once more, female students requested from the current administration that schools be opened for them.
"There has been no word about the opening of our schools this year, just like last year.
We are surrounded by uncertainty," explained student Maryam, according to TOLOnews.
"Under any conditions offered by the current government, all Afghan girls are prepared to continue their studies. It is enough that they open the doors of the schools to us as soon as possible," another student Fawzia said.
Since 15 August 2021, the de facto authorities have barred girls from attending secondary school, restricted women and girls' freedom of movement, excluded women from most areas of the workforce and banned women from using parks, gyms, and public bath houses.
Moreover, time and again the UN Security Council has expressed concern over the Taliban's decision to ban girls from attending school above the sixth grade in Afghanistan.
These restrictions culminate with the confinement of Afghan women and girls to the four walls of their homes.