Average monthly Israeli salary in 2023 was USD 3,600
Mar 07, 2024

Tel Aviv [Israel], March 7 (ANI/TPS): Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics reported on the average gross wages per employee in the country in 2023.
The average salary for a salaried position at current prices was 12,860 Shekels (USD 3,600) per month, an increase of 6.1 per cent compared to 2022 when it was 12,116 Shekels (USD 3,370) per month.
The average salary for a salaried position at fixed prices (deducted by the monthly consumer price index) was 11,056 Shekels (USD 3,100) per month an increase of 1.9 per cent compared to 2022 when it was 10,822 Shekels (USD 3,020) per month.
The number of salaried jobs was 3.983 million, a 1 per cent increase over 2022 when it was 3.944 million. (ANI/TPS)