"Chairman's vision to create university of excellence", Priti Adani at Adani University's first convocation

Oct 05, 2024

Ahmedabad (Gujarat) [India], October 5 : Priti G Adani, President of Adani University, addressed the first convocation of the university in Ahmedabad on Saturday, asserting that their goal is to make each one of the students 'Aatmanirbhar'.
Calling the day one of the most memorable days in the history of Adani University, Priti emphasised their vision to create a university of excellence.
"It's a day that validates our chairman's vision to create a university of excellence. This is the first day to start this journey, and that's why it's going to be one of the most memorable days in the history of Adani University," she said while addressing the event.
"As you all know, the move to form a university was finally approved in 2022. And this happened after relentless, enduring efforts. So I take this opportunity to congratulate the senior leadership, the faculty members, as well as the entire administrative staff who have worked relentlessly so that we could see this day today. Now let me address the stars of today," Priti Adani said.
The President of Adani University congratulated the graduating students and said that the day is to celebrate their dreams, aspirations, beliefs, and achievements.
"My dear graduating Adaniites, congratulations to all of you. And this is a fantastic defining moment for all of you. This is a day to celebrate your dreams, your aspirations, your beliefs, and your achievements. Education is an incalculable numerosity," she said.
"Well, everyone knows that knowledge is intangible, but the progress of humanity is dependent on its trickling effect on the very last person in society. And this is through former and meaningful education. Both Gautam and I believe that education in life sciences with a special focus on research and innovation will shape the new face of India. Our country is a powerhouse of human capital and the Aadhaan University, in alignment with our Prime Minister's vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat, strives to harness the right talent through education," Priti added.
She guided the students to make no mistakes in the professional world adding that they will unlearn, relearn, and again excel in whatever they do throughout their professional journey.
"Friends, the pursuit of knowledge is never-ending, and this convocation is not the end. It is a milestone celebration of the knowledge you have gathered here before you enter the professional world. So make no mistake that in the professional world, there will be times when you will unlearn, relearn, and again excel in whatever you do. Having said that, this small aberration should not even deter you from attaining excellence.If you need topossess knowledge, tenacity, rationality and intelligence, with this you are unstoppable. Excellence will set you apart from the competitive crowd," she said.
"It is this excellence instilled in you right from the beginning by your parents, by your teachers and the professors in the university. We wish that you carry this excellence and become brand ambassadors for Adani University. I'll talk a little bit about the corporate world. So in the corporate world, as in every aspect of life also, change is the only constant. The world around us is changing at an unprecedented speed. Today, young, bright individuals with zest and vigour are bursting with new ideas, and much like yourselves, are extremely aspiring. You are about to enter a world where you will be working with people born in the 60s, 70s and 80s. So it's very important to learn from everyone with their invaluable experience and wisdom. And it is also equally important to put forth your ideas and thoughts, for that is what will define you and your generation," she added.
"This will eventually harmonize and create a new atmosphere which will be in tandem with the coming days as the millennium's call. Till then, have patience, learn and interpret from the world around you. And I also want you to be courageous. And there will be lots of uncertainties and failures which we should not be discouraged by. And that failure simply helps to put you on a path to greater progress, ensuring that lessons are appropriately learned," the President of Adani University said.
"Remember, success is never immediate nor is there any shortcut to success. It is a rather slow process, but it requires consistency in terms of improvement, in terms of learning. There are sacrifices as well as failures that need to be mitigated, but courage is one thing that you never have to leave. To materialize your dreams, you require also unconditional effort and unprecedented obsession. I am certain that each one of you has different aspirations and I urge you to keep striving to make your dreams come true," she added.
Priti further pointed out her dream to see Adani University being recognised globally and said that today is the beginning of that dream.
"My dream to see Adani University getting recognized at a global level and seeing the university achieve global rankings today is the starting point. So I am confident that this dream will become a reality with the collaborative efforts from all our stakeholders, the students, the faculty, the staff members, the leadership, as well as every associated industry partner," she said.
"My dear graduating students, you are the most important stakeholders in this never-ending task of institutional building. Show the world that what you have learned, apply it and spread all the word about your alma mater. This will be the greatest gift you can give back to the Yadani University. The doors of Adani University are always open to you. And so, please come and share your experiences, and your knowledge, and give the learnings to the new-coming students. We all know that knowledge that is shared is multiplied, and so you should multiply in your institute, in your motherland, and your country," she added.
Reading out a Sanskrit quote, Priti said, "Nothing is incurable for anyone who possesses the six qualities of knowledge, rationality, science, memory power, readiness and functionality."
"Today, at the first convocation of Adan University, I am proud to say that we are ready to impart all these qualities to the young minds of the coming years. For these children, you all will be the seniors and seniors who are our brand ambassadors, seniors who they will look up to for inspiration as well as aspiration. Having absorbed the values imparted here, I know that you will be humbled when you climb the ladders of success. I wish you all the joy, contentment, success, peace and prosperity in your professional as well as personal lives. It has been a privilege to address you and I once again extend my congratulations to all the students receiving the degree today. May God bless you all," she added.