Chandigarh declaration for tobacco-free India announced at 5th National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Sep 29, 2021

Chandigarh (Punjab) [India], September 29 : Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit has complemented the efforts of PGIMER in maintaining the momentum of tobacco control in the country in the challenging times of the COVID19 pandemic.
Addressing at the 5th National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) the Governor further assured support from the administration towards galvanizing tobacco control efforts in Chandigarh.
Chandigarh Deceleration was announced during the valedictory ceremony by Padam Bhushan Prof. K. Srinath Reddy, President Public Health Foundation of India along with Dr P.C Gupta, Director, Healis-Sekhsaria Institute of Public Health.
Himachal Pradesh health minister Dr Rajiv Saizal was the chief guest at the virtual conference, who highlighted the role of academic and research institutions to build the capacity of health systems for steering tobacco control in the country.
Speaking at the 5th NCTOH conference Saizal said, "It is the need of the hour to make our nation free from tobacco products and Himachal Pradesh has always been a frontrunner in tobacco control and has shown the way to many states in leading tobacco control initiatives."
He further added, the institutes like PGIMER can lead an example for other medical colleges to join this "Tobacco-Free" India movement.
The three-day scientific program of NCTOH conducted 9 workshops on diverse themes and had over 100 technical sessions which were graced by more than 150 technical experts from India and other countries, informed the PGIMER organizing Secretary and Professor Dr Sonu Goel.
Additional Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Dr L Swasticharan called out for multi-sectoral convergence across ministries and departments for advancing 'tobacco end-game' in India.
The three-day discussion where experts vouched for an expedited amendment of India's current tobacco control Act 2003, talked about increasing taxes and standardized packaging on tobacco products.
The experts also demanded strict implementation and monitoring of electronic cigarettes, herbal smoking, e-hookah selling on online marketing websites.
The discussion stressed to ban on smokeless tobacco products in view of COVID 19, strengthening tobacco testing laboratories, expanding tobacco cessation services to Health and wellness centres, introducing tobacco vendor licensing, stopping tobacco industry interference on health and related policies along-with framing an evidence-based national tobacco control policy with special focus on gender and vulnerable groups.
The 5th (NCTOH-virtual) was conducted in collaboration with the International Union against TB and Lung Diseases, South East Asia with the support of many organisations and individuals working in tobacco control and under the overall guidance of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
The aim was to ensure multi-stakeholder engagement, state participation and provides overall direction to achieve the conference theme 'Multi-Sectoral Convergence for Tobacco-Free India by 2030.
The three days conference conducted by the Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) concluded successfully on Monday.

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