Children's puzzle showing terrorists attacking Israel found in Gaza

Jan 22, 2024

Tel Aviv [Israel], January 22 (ANI/TPS): Units of the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) operated in the Al Mu'azi area of Gaza, where they raided dozens of terrorist infrastructures set up by Hamas near and inside civilian buildings in the camp. As part of the activity, the forces located many weapons hidden inside homes belonging to families with children and in one location, they even found a children's puzzle showing the infiltration of Israeli territory by armed terrorists.
IDF armoured and engineering forces also raided a Hamas headquarters, where they located a factory for the production of weapons and guns. A rocket launcher was located in a nearby olive grove, loaded and ready to launch. The factories, the weapons and the rocket launch facility were destroyed.
The forces destroyed dozens of terrorist infrastructures and eliminated over 30 terrorists who fired RPGs and anti-tank missiles at them. (ANI/TPS)