China's top lawmakers to meet again next week, may pass HK security law this month

Jun 21, 2020

Beijing [China], June 22 : In an urgent bid to pass national security legislation for Hong Kong even without a full draft being made public and fundamental aspects remaining unclear, China's top legislative body which held its bi-monthly meeting this past weekend, will regroup again next week, Xinhua reported.
The National People's Congress Standing Committee will meet for three days beginning on Sunday and could pass the law as early as June 30, on the eve of the 23rd anniversary of Hong Kong's handover from British rule, pro-Beijing politicians were quoted as saying.
The Chinese state media revealed broad outlines of the legislation on Saturday after the standing committee wrapped up a three-day deliberation on laws.
Although Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam will lead a new national security commission, which will include a central government adviser, and she can appoint judges to hear cases, Beijing will retain final say over how the law is implemented.
Divulging further on the security law, Tam Yiu-chung, Hong Kong's sole delegate to the top body, said it was likely to be discussed.
He also said Hongkongers concerned about the law could submit their views to the congress through an online platform, which he admitted had not launched yet.
China says that the new national security law would prohibit the crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign and external influences to threaten national security.
While, Hong Kong would enforce the law, a mainland commissioner's office would be set up in the city to supervise and guide the local government in carrying out the job.