Citing financial constraints, Delhi govt urges its Departments to keep proposals unrelated to COVID-19 in abeyance

May 06, 2020

New Delhi [India], May 6 : The Delhi government has urged all its departments to keep any proposal for spending not related to the COVID-19 outbreak in abeyance till June 30, in view of the financial constraints owing to the halt of economic activity during the lockdown.
"All departments are requested to keep in abeyance all proposals till June 30, 2020, which are not covered under order dated April 8, 2020, and no proposal for relaxation/ approval be submitted to the Finance Department. Only in exceptional circumstances, where the Department considers that a specific activity/work cannot be postponed till June 30, a report justifying the urgency of payment may be submitted to the Finance Department for consideration," a letter issued by Joint Secretary Finance (Budget), YP Kaushik, read.
On April 8, the Finance Department had issued an order of even number keeping in view the financial constraints due to shortfall in revenue as a result of COVID-19, according to the letter.
The purpose was "that the expenditure related to preventive measures for maintaining the smooth functioning of essential services which are critical to safeguarding public interest is not affected."
Furthermore, the Head of Departments were also advised to incur the expenditure relating to salaries, and other items as specified in the order for day to day functioning of the office and also to avoid financial hardship to the employees.