Congress pitches for 'united opposition', alliances for 2024 battle in political resolution at Plenary; promises law against hate crimes
Feb 25, 2023

Raipur(Chhattisgarh) [India], February 25 : The Congress on Friday promised to bring a law against hate crimes, guarantee citizens right to free healthcare, restore statehood of Jammu and Kashmir, create a National Election Fund and extend special category status to Andhra Pradesh in the draft political resolution moved at the party's plenary here.
The resolution said that the assembly elections this year in nine states and 2024 Lok Sabha polls were "crucial for India's future" and there is an urgent need for united opposition to take on the BJP-led NDA government on ideological grounds.
It said the party will restore special category status to the North Eastern States, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
The draft resolution came down heavily on the BJP-led government, accusing it of political vendetta and abusing central agencies like ED, NIA, CBI and IT "to intimidate and subjugate political opponents".
It said the Congress would go all out to "identify, mobilise and align like-minded secular forces."
The resolution said emergence of any third force will provide advantage to the BJP.
"Unity of secular and socialist forces will be the hallmark of the future of the Congress party. Congress should go all out to identify, mobilise and align like-minded secular forces. We should include secular regional forces who agree with our ideology. There is an urgent need for a united opposition to take on the NDA on common ideological grounds."
The resolution said Congress will prepare a vision document for 2024, following a largest-ever mass contact programme, which will encompass issues of unemployment, eradication of poverty, inflation, women empowerment, job creation, national security.
In an apparent reference to Home Minister Amit Shah's remarks that BJP has no competition in 2024 polls, the Congress said it welcomes the challenge.
"It is quite shocking that BJP leaders have reached the pinnacle of arrogance by saying that the BJP has no competitors in 2024. This is a big challenge, not just to Congress and other parties, but to the democratic ethos of India. Congress welcomes this challenge!
"The 2023 Assembly elections to nine states and the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are crucial for India's future. The choice before our people is crystal clear. The Congress must redefine political discourse by recapturing the centre space in the present polarised polity," the resolution said.
It said Congress should be absolutely clear about its ideology, "with which our forefathers fought for freedom, laid down their lives, and sustained democracy".
"The idea of India has been clearly laid down by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru that Congress stands for secularism, socialism and federalism. The Congress party will prepare a Vision Document for 2024, following a largest-ever mass contact programme, which will encompass issues of unemployment, eradication of poverty, inflation, women empowerment, job creation, national security," the resolution said.
"The Congress must reverse the current regressive path of growth without improving the lives of the poorest. Our growth mantra must have a human touch, creating livelihoods and employment opportunities. Congress will infuse new blood in leadership roles without creating new fault lines and cementing its ideological moorings. Congress will create a clear-cut role model and will catapult the party back to power both at the state and centre," it added.
The resolution expressed Congress's resolve "to liberate the nation from its present agony and darkness, heal the wounds created by these divisive forces, and reinstate stability and peace again."
It said the 4000 km long Bharat Jodo Yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir was a first significant step in this direction.
The party said the BJP government "has distorted all three arms of government and the fourth estate of the media to protect their interests over the people's interests".
"Every institution has been subverted, undermined and threatened. Democracy is on the verge of being expunged from India. Free discussions and debate in Parliament and Legislative Assemblies have been curtailed. Expunging the truth and suppressing the voices of the Opposition is becoming the order of the day. This is a blatant subversion of Article 105 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech as a right for Members of Parliament," the party said.
The draft resolution said the judiciary is constantly threatened by direct and indirect measures which create apprehensions in their mind.
"Unfortunately, the Law Minister himself is leading the blatant attack on the judiciary. Congress promises that the independence and integrity of the judiciary will be maintained and protected at all costs."
The resolution said the Prime Minister and the government are extending their grip on electronic, social, digital and print media, both within India and abroad.
"Media freedom is under attack. Those who fearlessly speak their mind - journalists, activists, writers, and whistleblowers - are being persecuted and silenced, especially in BJP governments. Congress condemns the persecution of the media. Congress firmly believes that the media must be free and self-regulated and resolves to strengthen freedom of press through legislation and Constitutional amendments as needed," it said.
The party said the Indian constitution grants its citizens the right to freedom of speech.
"Laws are increasingly being misused by the present regime to harass or arrest critics, including politicians, journalists, academics, students, agitators, and nongovernmental organization (NGO) activists. Congress will initiate a comprehensive review of all laws, rules and regulations to repeal those that are outdated, unjust, or unreasonably restrict the freedoms of the people."
The resolution said that Congress pioneered the Constitutional Amendment on anti-defection, and took several measures during the UPA-2 government to strengthen it.
"Since 2014, the BJP has engineered mass defections, purchased legislators and thus toppled democratically elected government after government. The Congress will amend the Constitution to eliminate such practices."
Referring to police reforms, the Congress said it will ensure that State police forces reserve 33 percent of all vacancies in direct recruitment and promotion for women constables and officers
The resolution said the present system of Electoral Bonds is fatally flawed and fully corrupt.
"Congress will set up a National Election Fund to which all may contribute. During elections, funds will be allocated to political parties using a transparent and fair criteria laid down by law. "
It said more than 14 recognised political parties, several eminent activists, and computer scientists have raised concerns on the efficacy of EVMs to the Election Commission, but have not received any response so far.
"When voters lose faith in the integrity of the electoral process, especially EVMs, our democracy hollows from within. The Congress promises to restore the faith of every voter in the integrity of the electoral process. The Congress will build the widest possible consensus with all like-minded political parties to take up the issue with ECI, and if they do not respond, then go to Court."
The resolution accused the BJP government of routinely conducting excessive surveillance including blanket monitoring of communication, disproportionately without judicial oversight.
"The draft personal data protection law disregards the Srikrishna Commission report. The Congress believes that a robust personal data protection law is immediately needed to end government surveillance of citizens."
The party alleged that "the politics of hate" has assumed alarming proportions and religious polarisation has reached its peak under the BJP-led government and "hate crimes and atrocities have increased manifold"
Noting that the Congress-led government enacted the Lokpal and Lokayukta Acts, the resolution said it will re-introduce and pass the Grievance Redressal Bill, 2011 to provide for mandatory, time-bound grievance redressal.
"Rules under the Whistle-Blowers Protection Act, 2014 will be made to operationalise the Act. Congress promises to ensure that the law is not weakened or diluted."
The resolution said comprehensive healthcare is the right of every citizen child, adult and senior citizen.
"Congress will guarantee to every citizen the right to healthcare services, including free diagnostics, out-patient care, medicines and hospitalisation through a Right to Healthcare Act. The Chiranjeevi Yojana implemented by the Congress Government of Rajasthan will be replicated at the national level. Congress resolves to double total government expenditure on healthcare to 3 per cent of GDP by the year 2024-25."
The resolution said Congress will introduce a "Saksham Bharat" programme to guarantee differently-abled people a fair deal with opportunities for them to be employed and productive, contributing to the welfare of their families and to the progress of our nation.
In addition, the Constitution will be amended to ensure appropriate social security and protection.
The resolution promised to update current policies on senior citizens, taking into account advances in medical science and technology.
"A welfare scheme called 'Jeevan Gaurav Yojana' will be designed specifically for senior citizens."
Congress promised to pass an Anti-Discrimination Law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, gender or language in the supply of goods and services that are made available to the public in general such as housing, hostels, hotels, clubs.
The Congress accused BJP of attacks on scientific temper and education "by appointing known communal faces in Indian Council for Historical Research and scientific and educational institutions".
The Congress said it remains committed to improving its National Security Strategy presented in 2019 and implementing it
Noting that a basic feature of the Constitution is the principle of federalism, the Congress said the principle has been eroded to the detriment of the States.
Accusing the government of "misusing governors" in opposition-ruled states, the Congress demanded that Governors who misuse their positions must be held publicly accountable for their actions.
The party said people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have always stood by the country and its sovereignty.
"Congress will strive to restore complete statehood for the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, and bring Ladakh and its people under the protection of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India...The Congress also stands committed to extend special category status to the state of Andhra Pradesh."
The resolution promised action-based agenda that will place India at the forefront of the battle against climate change and environment protection.
It promised to create a permanent Commission to resolve Inter-State Water Disputes on the model of South Africa.
"Congress will ensure that any judgement of a tribunal or the Supreme Court on water disputes will be notified by the government within 3 months," it said.
The party said Congress resolves to continue mass contact programs to follow up to the Bharat Jodo Yatra.
The resolution said Congressmen and Congresswomen should not think "who we are, but what the situation warrants today".
"Farm labourers, artisans, youth and women shall become the sheet anchors of the Congress. The Congress party will again emerge as a mass-based and cadre-based vibrant party with total dedication to the cause of rebuilding a holistic Bharat, a Samrudh Bharat."
It Congressmen and women holding office must not allow any doubt about their probity and integrity.
"Simplicity, restraint and austerity must be our chosen way. We must fight the prevailing malpractices and perversion of character in politics, by avoiding Mahatma Gandhi's seven sins: a. Wealth Without Work, Pleasure Without Conscience, Knowledge Without Character, Commerce (Business) Without Morality (Ethics), Science Without Humanity, Religion Without Sacrifice and Politics Without Principle," the resolution said.