Constitution has given us a judicial setup to remedy injustice, especially for less fortunate sections of society: Former CJI NV Ramana
Dec 18, 2023

New Delhi [India], December 18 : Former Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Monday delivered a speech at the inaugural ceremony of the "Fight for Justice" Awards held here in the national capital and said the Constitution has given us a judicial setup to remedy injustice, especially for the less fortunate sections of our society. For several decades, the Indian judiciary has endeavoured to uphold the rights of the most underprivileged and has given relief and justice to the needy sections of our society.
The duty to render justice is not confined to the judiciary alone. The Constitution obligates the Executive and the Legislature to take measures that promote justice. It is only when the harmonious effort is lacking in the discharge of assigned roles that the judiciary is burdened with deciding what is right and what is wrong, said Former CJI Ramana.
As judges, we have to go the extra mile. It is our responsibility to create confidence in the vulnerable sections of the society. In the face of social realities and challenges, judges have to think out of the box to ensure that the rights guaranteed under the Constitution are honoured in letter and spirit, he added.
Justice Ramana further said, "I am privileged to be part of today's 'Fight for Justice Awards' ceremony. We are here to honour the courageous public-spirited persons, who have worked tirelessly to secure justice for
themselves and the society at large."
He congratulated the Delhi High Court Bar Association and Live For Freedom for organising today's event.
"Recognising and felicitating these crusaders of justice will go a long way in inspiring upcoming generations to stand up for public issues", he said.
Justice is a fundamental aspect of law, philosophy, ethics, and religion. Justice is one of the attributes that makes us 'human'. Life without 'justice' would be arbitrary and devoid of meaning, former CJI added.
Man takes up any endeavour on the premise that he would be appropriately rewarded for his efforts. Similarly, if he suffers an injury, he seeks to understand its cause and tries to remedy it. Without justice, the world would be in a state of anarchy. Thus, a system of justice is essential for the survival of any civilised society, added Justice Ramana.