Create Your Business with Entrepreneurs Parliament

Mar 23, 2022

New Delhi [India], March 23 (ANI/ATK): An initiative that strives to eradicate the hindrances and stagnation disrupting the journey of an Entrepreneurial organization, Entrepreneurs Parliament is here to offer you transformation.
Through their mission of amplifying growth, vision to empower and mantra to spiritual wisdom, Entrepreneurs Parliament is the Entrepreneurial Pathfinder.
Let's dive into the exploration of this mighty combination of Energy, Framework and Synergy, the Global Innovation and Incubation platform - Entrepreneurs Parliament.
The Beginning
Let's first discover what marks the beginning of Entrepreneurs Parliament? Astonishingly enough, a fatal accident that paralyzed the whole lower body of Popat. Popat, lying on his hospital bed itself, pondering what the purpose of his life is, kick started his Parliament for the Entrepreneurs, through a simple text message.
And that is how it all started with the determination ever so unbreakable. He decided to cultivate all his profound experience of 10-12 years in entrepreneurship into something productive for the aspiring entrepreneurs as a guiding force, instead of giving in to his fate as a limitation.
The first steps to success
And just as if life had been planning it all through and it all happened for a purpose, that simple entrepreneur quiz in a WhatsApp text format with an attached google form, went viral all over social media, receiving around 9000 responses from eager to learn entrepreneurs in just 24 hours!
Taking it all into seriousness, he decided to consult with some entrepreneurs to put this success into a shape, where he was served with a detailed insight into the diverse requirements of entrepreneurs, like investment, raising of capital, marketing strategy, etc.
And hence, what he learned was the significance of creating a mutual environment for these interested entrepreneurs to share their thoughts.
With the same idea, he now decided to launch a paid course with a business model of just 1000 bucks, to serve these exact requirements to the ones in need, and shared it to these 9000 applicants. And guess what? His Savings account was literally flooded with a lump sum amount of applications, as high as 43 lakhs, even leaving the bank authorities bewildered!
What's next?
What's next, now that he earned the trust of this many people?
It was time for him to perform his share of research to discover what the root problem is, and how he can contribute to solve it.
Just as expected, he did the needful and explored the three basic problems that entrepreneurs face in this generation of dynamic business environment, through some detailed surveys that he conducted from reliable sources.
1. To create an innovative business model to sustain the changing terms of the market for a considerable period of time and elevate growth.
2. How to create a solid market to target sales and generate leads from.
3. Creating the engagement for growth and investment.
Discovering what the grave problem was, Entrepreneurs Parliament pledged to be an aid to the budding Entrepreneurs in all these concerned fields. They decided to be the initiative that supports the lack of experience in new entrepreneurs through their own years of expertise.
Discovery of the purpose
And how was the Entrepreneurs Parliament supposed to tap on such needs?
1. By helping the companies with an innovative business plan that will survive the dynamic market situation and drive growth into the business.
2. By creating an ecosystem for entrepreneurs to generate structured online marketing leads from, instead of having to invest on saturated online or offline marketing platforms that ultimately fetch no yield.
3. And lastly, putting the best engagement attracting tools and raising the capital for companies to fetch the required digital presence, through effective channelization of productivity.
They believed in the credibility of their adopted functions and the positive effects they are certainly supposed to create on the Entrepreneurial society.
The Initiatives for the Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Parliament, however, was not only confined to their core functions. Having faith in the power of expansion and out of the box thinking, this startup decided to climb a further stair up towards making it easier for the newbies, through some special initiatives.
1. Establishment of a Global school that facilitates access and education for aspiring Entrepreneurs to structure a fruitful business model, that brings the culture of innovation into their company for the next level of growth.
2. Creating a market access platform to support the budding businesses to receive an exposure, to help them establish a consistent customer acquisition process.
3. Bringing Capital acquisition within the means of new entrepreneurial firms through a private stock exchange.
All these initiatives had been real game changers in the industry that took Entrepreneurship aid to a next level, accurately catering all the requirements of the struggling entrepreneurs.
Helping as many as 90 businesses so far to find their way, Entrepreneurs Parliament raised a capital of around 280 crores in a mere span of just 2-3 years!
With several other initiatives being taken over the time, Entrepreneurs Parliament continues to tap on the requirements and betterment of business enterprises through their innovation and updated market strategies. From a GLOBALIZED hostel to a Capital Strategy, they have got your aspirations covered!
This 3Ms Company, i.e. Mind, Money and Market, focusses on making it easier for their clients, consistently. Mind for Innovation, Money for Capital and Market for the audience, a full coverage venture indeed!
Thus, it's no wonder if over the time this company evolves to be the one stop destination for all entrepreneurs to find solutions to their problems. Definitely making a mark with a journey worth learning lessons from, Popat and his company 'Entrepreneurs Parliament' has come a long way and has a long way to go!
This story is provided by ATK. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/ATK)