Delhi Police requests Adhir Chowdhury to submit his 'hacked' devices for probe

May 21, 2022

"It is requested that you submit us the devices which you claim to have been hacked for conducting the investigation on the basis of the complaint made by you. Looking forward to your co-operation. Legal action is being taken," Delhi Police said.
Earlier on Saturday, the Congress leader claimed his Twitter account was hacked after allegedly posting and then deleting a tweet with former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's infamous quote linked to 1984 riots. In this regard, Chowdhury has filed a police complaint with Delhi Police.
The Congress leader posted an infographic with a picture of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his infamous statement, "When a big tree falls, the ground shakes." However, he immediately deleted and shared another post with a different quote.
It was a controversial statement made by the former PM Rajiv Gandhi justifying the 1984 Sikh genocide in the wake of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's assassination.
Later, Chowdhury wrote on Twitter, "The tweet against my name in the Twitter account has nothing to do with my own observation. A malicious campaign is propagated by those forces inimical to me."