Democratic Party platform removes 'One China' language on Taiwan

Aug 27, 2020

Washington [US], August 27 : The Democratic Party is committed to supporting the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act that states that the US would protect Taiwan from attacks by the Chinese, stated the party platform.
According to a Washington Times report, the platform "will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan."
However, the Democratic Party's 2016 platform "explicitly supported the 'One China' Policy'" as the document stated that the Democrats "were committed to a 'One China policy'."
But the Chinese foreign ministry slammed the platform's changing stance stating that it was "the most important and sensitive issue between China and the US."
"The One China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations and a common consensus of the international community," the spokesperson of the Chinese foreign ministry said. "We urge relevant sides to abide by the One China principle and the three China-US joint communique, and prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues."
This criticism hints towards Chinese interests in the American presidential elections more particularly, the Chinese Communist Party is interested in seeing Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden defeat President Donald Trump in the US elections in November.
US Vice President Mike Pence has accused China of meddling with the presidential elections where he said Beijing wants a different president.
Quoting Global Times, The Washington Times further stated, "The change of tone will likely further strain China-US relations."
"Democrats' approach to China will be guided by America's national interests and the interests of our allies, and draw on the sources of American strength -- the openness of our society, the dynamism of our economy, and the power of our alliances to shape and enforce international norms that reflect our values," the Democratic Party platform said.
"Undermining those strengths will not make us 'tough on China.' It would be a gift to the Chinese Communist Party," the platform added.