Despite attacks Israel continues humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip from Karem Shalom crossing
Nov 10, 2022

By Naveen Kapoor
Tel Aviv [Israel], November 10 : Despite the attack, Israel will continue their humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip at the Karem Shalom crossing, Director at Karem shalom crossing Ami Shaked said.
Speaking to ANI, Shaked said, "There are lots of things that we supply for their need but the things (rockets and arms which come through an attack from Hamas and Islamic Jihad) that come to us can make the damage" in the region.
Karem Shalom crossing post is at the junction of the Gaza Strip-Israel border from where Israel sends humanitarian aid like food, oil, cooking gas, medicines, and fruits to the Gaza Strip, which continues to face attacks from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Karem Shalom crossing has witnessed rocket fires, suicide attacks, mortars, and shrapnel, but despite adverse situations, several soldiers and workers are facilitating humanitarian aid to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
"We will decide no pipes to Gaza but unfortunately no more are there to help the people of Gaza," he said.
"We still continue to provide humanitarian aid as we understand the need of people in the Gaza Strip," Shaked added.
Showing the pieces of the rocket, the official said that there are a few pieces from Islamic Jihad, and another one from Hamas.
"There are multiple checks on the truck coming in from Gaza to pick up aid through sensors, scanners, labs, and other technology." He further said " Although technology helps but 90 percent of attempts of terror acts are thwarted by human intelligence and caught by human eyes, " Shaked added.
Another official said on one hand there is Hamas on the other side is Sinai where ISIS is active, this poses major security challenges at Karem Shalom post, the junction of the Gaza Strip-Israel border and the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israel forces claim that there are 30 thousand medium and long-range rockets in Gaza that can potentially target Israel. They also discovered several tunnels and destroyed them, tunnels were built for facilitating terror operations inside Israel by Hamas.