Do not bring labourers from outside the state till July 31: Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation orders business establishments
Jul 03, 2020

Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], July 3 : In the backdrop of rising number of coronavirus cases, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has ordered that business organizations, within its municipal limits, shall not bring any workers or labourers from ouitside the state till July 31.
BMC said that business organizations like industrial, construction, hotel, hospitality and contractors shall not bring any workers. Further, advising them to ensure the 14-days quarantine for the workers from date of their arrival, in case some business establishment have brought workers or labourers from outside.
The decision has been taken after, 34 of such workers brought by one industrial organization found COVID-19 positive in quarantine, BMC said.
As per the state government, there are 8,106 COVID-19 cases in Odisha including 5,502 recovered and 2,567 active cases.