EAM Jaishankar to address UNSC today
Feb 17, 2021

New Delhi [India], February 17 : External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday will participate and address the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) open debate on "Implementation of Resolution 2532 (2020)."
During the UNSC meeting, Jaishankar will speak regarding resolution 2532 (2020) adopted by the Security Council on 1 July 2020.
The resolution stressed the concern about the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, especially in countries ravaged by armed conflicts, or in post-conflict situations, or affected by humanitarian crises.
The resolution emphasizes for the demand of a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations on its agenda and supports the efforts undertaken by the Secretary-General and his Special Representatives and Special Envoys in that respect.
Recognizing that conditions of violence and instability in conflict situations can exacerbate the pandemic, and that inversely the pandemic can exacerbate the adverse humanitarian impact of conflict situations.
The eight-point action plan affirms that this general and immediate cessation of hostilities and this humanitarian pause do not apply to military operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Da'esh), Al Qaeda, and Al Nusra Front (ANF), and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al Qaeda or ISIL, and other terrorist groups, which have been designated by the Security Council.
"Calls upon all parties to armed conflicts to engage immediately in a durable humanitarian pause for at least 90 consecutive days, in order to enable the safe, unhindered and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance, provisions of related services by impartial humanitarian actors, in accordance with the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and medical evacuations, in accordance with international law, including international humanitarian law and refugee law as applicable," the resolution said.
"Requests the Secretary-General to help ensure that all relevant parts of the United Nations system, including UN Country Teams, in accordance with their respective mandates, accelerate their response to the COVID-19 pandemic with a particular emphasis on countries in need, including those in situations of armed conflict or affected by humanitarian crises," the resolution added.
It further requests the Secretary-General to provide updates to the Security Council on the UN efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic in countries in situations of armed conflict or affected by humanitarian crises, as well as on the impact of COVID-19 on the ability of peace-keeping operations and Special Political Missions to deliver their mandated priority tasks.
"Requests the Secretary-General to instruct peace-keeping operations to provide support, within their mandates and capacities, to host country authorities in their efforts to contain the pandemic, in particular, to facilitate humanitarian access, including to internally displaced persons and refugee camps and allow for medical evacuations, and further requests the Secretary-General and the Member States to take all appropriate steps to protect the safety, security, and health of all UN personnel in UN peace operations, while maintaining the continuity of operations, and to take further steps towards the provision of training for peacekeeping personnel on issues related to preventing the spread of COVID-19," it said considering that the unprecedented extent of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.
"Acknowledges the critical role that women are playing in COVID-19 response efforts, as well as the disproportionately negative impact of the pandemic, notably the socio-economic impact, on women and girls, children, refugees, internally displaced persons, older persons and persons with disabilities, and calls for concrete actions to minimize this impact and ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and youth in the development and implementation of an adequate and sustainable response to the pandemic," it added.