Ensuring connectivity with Central Asian countries remains key priority for India: President Kovind

Apr 03, 2022

By Amit Kumar
Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), April 3 : President Ram Nath Kovind, who visited the Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan on Sunday, said that ensuring connectivity with the Central Asian countries remains a key priority for India.
Addressing the students at the Institute of International Relations, Kovind said, "India is a member of both the International North-South Transport Corridor and the Ashgabat agreement. We have taken steps to operationalize the Chabahar port in Iran which can provide secure, viable and unhindered access to the sea for the Central Asian countries."
He stated that while expanding connectivity, it is important to ensure that connectivity initiatives are consultative, transparent and participatory, with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. India stands ready to cooperate, invest and build connectivity in the region, he said.
"Just as in your case, the Institute of Foreign Service - now known as Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service - was established in New Delhi more than 35 years ago to cater to the professional training needs of the Indian Foreign Service officers. The scope of the Institute has been expanded over the years. Today it also offers various Mid-Career Training Programmes for Heads of Mission, Commercial Representatives and Defence Attaches. I am pleased to note that about 30 Turkmen diplomats have so far undergone professional courses at this institute," he added.
President Kovind further said that Turkmenistan today has managed to carve out a special niche in international relations with the principle of 'permanent neutrality'. The five concepts - ensuring peace and security, promoting neutrality, diversifying economic relations, promoting social development and humanization of international relations - endeavour to secure a prosperous future for the country and the region.
"India and Turkmenistan are ancient civilizations but young nations. Last year, your country celebrated the 30th anniversary of independence while the people of India are celebrating 75 years of our independence this year. The renowned Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy said, 'If God gets wings, he will fly to India.' India is the birthplace of at least four major religions, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Over 200 million Muslims proudly call India their home. India's receptiveness to other cultures has been its hallmark while unity in diversity remains its inherent strength," President Kovind added.
President Kovind said that one of the key pillars of India's foreign policy in recent years has been the "Neighbourhood First" policy. "The overarching philosophy of India's engagement with its neighbours is to ensure that they also benefit from our economic development and growth. Thus, the focus of our Neighbourhood First policy is to enhance connectivity, augment trade and investment, and build a secure and stable neighbourhood," he stated.
"India's foreign policy has been constantly evolving since its independence. India's emergence as one of the major economies of the world and the relevance of India's technological capabilities have shaped key global negotiations. India's partnerships with countries of the Global South have grown substantially while its relations with major powers have deepened further. Both India and United States have partnered with Japan and Australia in the "Quad" arrangement for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. With Russia, India enjoys a 'Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership'," he added.
Kovind said that one of the focus areas of Indian foreign policy in the last few years has been the revitalization of India's historical ties with the Central Asian countries, which are a part of its 'extended neighbourhood'. "As developing countries, India and Central Asian countries share common perspectives and similar approaches. We face common challenges such as terrorism, extremism, radicalization, drug trafficking etc. India has also strategic relations with most of the Central Asian countries," he stated.
"As immediate neighbours of Afghanistan, our countries are naturally concerned about developments in that country. We strongly support a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan and emphasize its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. We share a broad 'regional consensus' on the issues related to Afghanistan, which includes the formation of a truly representative and inclusive government, combating terrorism and drug trafficking, the central role of the UN, providing immediate humanitarian assistance for the people of Afghanistan and preserving the rights of women, children and other national ethnic groups and minorities in Afghanistan," he added.
President Kovind, who is on a four-day visit to Turkmenistan, said that India's position on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been steadfast and consistent. "We have emphasized that the current global order is anchored in international law, the UN Charter, and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of states. We are deeply concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation. We have called for an immediate cessation of violence and hostilities and a return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy. We have also provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine," he said.
"The United Nations, which was founded more than 76 years ago, remains the most universal and representative international organization. At the core of India's call for reformed multilateralism lies the reform of the UN Security Council, to reflect the contemporary realities. In this context, India values the support of Turkmenistan for our permanent membership in a reformed and expanded UN Security Council. During our ongoing non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council, India has prioritized development, fight against terrorism, reform of the multilateral system, international peace and security, and technology with a human touch," he added.
Kovind further said that he is delighted to know about the appreciation of Indian culture in Turkmenistan, especially Indian films, TV serials, music and dance. "I am told that Indian actors and actresses from several generations are household names here. It is heartening to learn that Indian dance and songs are performed at important events. Following the establishment of Central Asia's first Yoga and Traditional Medicine Centre in Ashgabat in July 2015, Yoga and Ayurveda have also captured the imagination of the people here. All these are shining examples of the rich cultural linkages between our two countries," he stated.
"It will be my pleasure to inaugurate an 'India Corner' at the Institute of International Relations immediately after this programme. The 'India Corner' is envisioned to create interest in India amongst the students of the Institute in organizing India related activities. The Government of India has provided computers, books on India and musical instruments and other materials to equip the 'India Corner'," he added.
The Institute of International Relations was established by the Former President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to train Turkmen diplomats.