Feast and Treats: Nepal Police service dogs get VIP treatment on Kukur Tihar festival
Oct 31, 2024

Kathmandu [Nepal], October 31 : The Nepal Police on Thursday honoured its service dogs with a feast and treats on the second day of the Tihar festival as the nation observes Kukur Tihar, a day dedicated to the dogs.
Canine Division of the Nepal Police in a ceremony showcasing their skills in finding clues and evidence to solve criminal cases honoured the service dogs with garlands, treats, flowers and vermillion powder.
Deuti Gurung, Chief of the Nepal Police Canine Office said, "Today is Kukur Tihar, that is a celebration of dogs by garlanding the flowers, offering sweet treats to the dogs, vermillion on their forehead.
This is for their dedication to the work they perform on behalf of Nepal Police during the investigation of various cases. Dogs are used for crime investigation, tracing drugs and also in search and rescue operations; also detecting explosives.
"On this day we do this Pooja followed by demonstrations of their skills," Deuti Gurung told ANI.
The dogs in the school also played a crucial role in rescuing and finding the survivors buried beneath the rubble and at the time of VVIP visits from foreign nations.
Honouring the service dogs, the Canine Office also conferred medals to those who performed best in their field of specialization, solving the crime mysteries, gathering the evidence, aiding search and rescue, and catching the narcotic traders.
The canine division of Nepal Police has been organizing this ceremony annually, honouring them for their service and contribution.
Amongst dozens of dogs in the division which also performs as a training school for them, one of the dogs was conferred with the title of "Dog of the Year" on the basis of its role in solving the cases.
The dog training school has brought dogs from abroad and some were brought here and trained and prepared for investigation.
Dogs, regarded as guardians and messengers of Yama, lord of deaths are offered garlands, and breads and are worshipped with vermilion powder and flowers.
The Rigveda, one of the Vedas in the Hindu religion, mentions Samara, the mother of dogs who assists Indra, the ruler of heaven in retrieving stolen cattle. There are many stories and tales behind the celebration and links that are believed to have been established between humans and dogs.
It is also believed that a dog accompanied Dharmaraj Yudhisthir on his journey to heaven in the mythological grand epic Mahabharathas a close relationship with mankind.
In the same story, there is a plot of Yudhistir's refusal to enter heaven without his devoted dog which represents the concept of Dharma and the path of righteousness. The epic thus shows the close relationship between humans and dogs.
The canine which is known for its trust sentry as well as the faithful companion of humans since ancient times is worshipped annually in Nepal.
Honouring the role played by the dogs, Nepal on the Second day of Yama Panchak or Tihar, worships dogs early in the morning for the devotion and sincerity they have shown.