Fight against terrorism, separatism, extremism SCO's priority: EAM Jaishankar

Jul 15, 2024

Astana [Kazakhstan], July 15 : Stating that terrorism is a major challenge faced by the world today, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has to play a major role in the region's security.
In an interview with Kazinform News Agency in Astana, Kazakhstan, the EAM said that SCO's priority is to fight against the three evils -- Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism.
"There is no doubt that the major challenge faced by the world today is terrorism. It has become a threat to regional and global peace, and it demands urgent action from all of us. In this aspect, I am happy that Kazakhstan during their Chairmanship have negotiated an updated program to combat terrorism, separatism, and extremism, which was adopted in Astana Summit," he said.
"Fight against the three evils- Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism- is a priority in SCO," EAM Jaishankar added.
He further said that some joint statements were adopted on theme during India's presidency of SCO last year.
Stating that Kazakhstan has also carried forward the spirit of that Joint Statement, Jaishankar also laid emphasis on the importance of implementation of these statements.
"During the New Delhi Summit last year, one of the two Joint Statements adopted was on 'Countering Radicalization leading to Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism'. The statements included various elements of radicalization -- including ideology, media campaigns, as well as radical and terrorist content on internet," the Foreign Minister said.
"Kazakhstan, during their Chairmanship, carried forward the spirit of that Joint Statement. The updated program to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism is critical and timely. But I want to emphasize that what is more important is the actual implementation of the program that we have now successfully drawn up, which includes unambiguous commitment by all the Member States in getting rid of all forms and manifestations of terrorism in the region, including cross-border terrorism," he further stated.
Jaishankar, represented India at the SCO Council of Heads of State (SCO Summit) held under Kazakhstan's Presidency in Astana.
He delivered remarks on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The EAM also held several bilateral meetings and engagements with counterparts and other global leaders.
Emphasising SCO's role in the region's security, Jaishankar said SCO as an organization should be allowed to fully utilize its potential, and also highlighted the theme of SCO Summit 'Towards a SECURE SCO' in 2023 under India's presidency.
"In fact, India's priorities for the Chairmanship last year were on the theme 'Towards a SECURE SCO' -- with SECURE being an acronym which stands for Security, Economic cooperation, Connectivity, Unity, Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and Environment," the Foreign Minister said.
"When we say regional security in the context of SCO, the most important issues that stand out is terrorism, including cross-border terrorism. Today, after decades of taking measures against terrorism in global forums, including through the UNSC, terrorism continues to be a threat to the region. The UN designated terror outfits are still functioning in the region," he added.
He further said that combating terrorism requires a very comprehensive approach, not just against the perpetrators of heinous acts of terrorism, but also against the facilitators, financiers and sponsors of terrorism.
"They all need to be identified and punished," he said.
Jaishankar said Regional Anti-Terrrorist Structure (RATS) has a reasonable standing to propose measures against terrorism in the region.
"We stand ready to strengthen SCO mechanisms in this front. I hope that the proposed Universal Centre to be established within the RATS in Tashkent, along with the other specialized centers under the Universal Centre, will grow to become foremost anti-terrorist structure in the region," he said.
Stressing on the need to build consensus, the Foreign Minister said any security related initiative or paradigm should be formulated taking into consideration territorial integrity and sovereignty of all the countries that will be involved
The Foreign Minister also elaborated on the threat of drug trafficking. He said there is a consensus on the establishment of Anti-Drug Centre in Dushanbe, Tajikistan and along with Universal Centre, it will be an effective weapon to combat drug trafficking.
"Drug Trafficking is another issue that we need to combat together, and is very closely related to two other issues in the region -- terrorism and stability in Afghanistan. There is a consensus on the establishment of Anti-Drug Centre in Dushanbe. This is a welcome move and is much needed. The Anti-Drug Centre, together with the proposed Universal Centre, will be an effective weapon in combating drug trafficking," Jaishankar said.