French President tells Israeli President he never accused Israel of harming innocent civilians

Nov 12, 2023

Tel Aviv [Israel], November 12 (ANI/TPS): President Emmanuel Macron of France on Sunday called Israeli President, Isaac Herzog to clarify comments he made during an interview to the BBC on Friday.
As quoted, the comments made by the French President caused somewhat of a diplomatic row with Israel in which Prime Minister Netanyahu criticised Macron.
President Macron made clear that he never intend to accuse Israel of intentionally harming innocent civilians in the campaign against the terrorist organization Hamas. President Macron also emphasised that he unequivocally supports Israel's right and duty to self-defense, and expressed his support for Israel's war against Hamas.
Macron further explained that his comments during the interview were made in reference to the humanitarian situation, which remained an important issue for him and many countries. He went on to say that it was important to find and assist in delivering humanitarian solutions for citizens in Gaza. President Macron reiterated to President Herzog his commitment to demanding the immediate release of the hostages, and noted he was working to help on this important issue.
President Herzog stated that President Macron's comments as reported in the media over the weekend, had caused much pain and upset in Israel, and noted it was good that Macron clarified his words both Saturday night and on Sunday in various publications. The President reiterated that the State of Israel and the IDF continue to act in a humanitarian manner and in accordance with international law.
He noted that Israel took all possible measures to prevent harm to uninvolved civilians. He also emphasized that the full responsibility for harm caused to innocent people in the Gaza Strip rested with the terrorist organization Hamas. (ANI/TPS)