French railway workers announce July strike

Jun 24, 2022

Paris [France], June 24 (ANI/Xinhua): Workers of France's national state-owned railway company SNCF will go on strike on July 6 to demand higher wages, French news daily Le Figaro reported on Friday.
Citing a joint press release of the Railway Workers' Federation (CGT-Cheminot), SUD-Rail and the French Democratic Confederation of Labor (CFDT), Le Figaro said the three unions already submitted on June 16 a request for "immediate discussions" on how to tackle the effects of growing inflation and decreasing purchasing power.
The unions have criticized the SNCF for what they see as a failure to avoid the steady depreciation of wages, a process they say had started already in 2014.
"The SNCF management must stop this policy (of turning a blind eye to growing) social division," the unions said. (ANI/Xinhua)