Greek opposition party gives a platform to Pakistani community leader accused of human trafficking
Nov 03, 2021

Athens [Greek], November 3 : Greek opposition party SYRIZA has given Javed Aslam Arian, president of Pakistan Community of Greece Unity, a large platform to address party members, giving him a potential reach of hundreds of thousands of Greeks.
This is despite the fact that Arian describes Greek as being racist, and what is worse, is wanted by INTERPOL for a 2005 case involving human smuggling. He also advises illegal immigrants how to avoid police and what to say to try and avoid deportation if they are caught, reported Greek City Times.
Arian had earlier been hobnobbing with KEERFA (United Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat, Greece) and smaller Greek leftist oriented groups.
Although being granted asylum when SYRIZA was in power, his status was updated by the current New Democracy government.
He also advises illegal immigrants on how to avoid arrest and deportation, and especially on how to manipulate the human rights clauses to get asylum.
It is recalled that on October 9, Javed manipulated the Pakistani community into hijacking a leftist rally, warning his compatriots that if they do not join the rally, then the Greek government would deport more than 100 Pakistanis every day, reported Greek City Times.
He was using the anti-fascist rally on October 9 as the occasion to gather illegal Pakistanis against the Greek government by instigating the fear of deportations and to garner more support for SYRIZA.
Under the SYRIZA administration (September 2015 - July 2019), hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants were allowed to pour into Greece, a large portion of them Afghanis and Pakistanis posing as Syrian refugees.
With the 2023 elections looming, it can be expected that SYRIZA will continue allowing platforms for those that accuse Greeks of racism and give instructions that bypass Greek laws, reported Greek City Times.