Hezbollah is aggressing and dragging Lebanon into war: IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus

Oct 22, 2023

Tel Aviv [Israel], October 22 : Israel Defence Forces spokesperson Jonathan Conricus on Sunday said that Hezbollah is playing a very "dangerous game" and escalating the situation. He said that Hezbollah has been dragging Lebanon into war.
In an operational update on the northern border, Jonathan Conricus called Israel's response "measured, tactical and confined to the areas near the border." He said that Israel has struck various infrastructures of Hezbollah that have positioned along the blue line.
"So far, our response has been measured, tactical and confined to the areas close to the border. The tactical distances from where Hezbollah has been firing these missiles, rockets and UAVs. That is so far. We have used both tanks, drones, artillery and infantry and a few other things. But in essence, those are the weapons that we have been responding," Jonathan Conricus said.
"We have struck various Hezbollah infrastructure that they have positioned along the blue line also in violation of 1701. We have struck positions where Hezbollah was firing from and we have also struck different Hezbollah squads. Hezbollah terrorist squads that were manning those anti-tank missiles have also been hit either by tanks or by other means," he added.
He asked Lebanon whether they are willing to jeopardize the prosperity of the country for the sake of terrorists in Gaza. He noted that Hezbollah has been dragging Lebanon into war.
"Bottom line is and this is what you all need to know Hezbollah is playing a very, very dangerous game. They're escalating the situation. We see more and more attacks every day. In addition, by the way many rockets have been fired into this area and we've had rockets alarm in this area as well and rockets landing in northwestern Galilee. So, Hezbollah has been escalating the situation steadily over the last few days with various types of weapons. We maintain our focus on the south, but extremely important for everybody in Lebanon to ask themselves the question of the price," Jonathan Conricus said.
"Is the Lebanese State really willing to jeopardize what is left of Lebanese prosperity and Lebanese sovereignty for the sake of terrorists in Gaza? For the ISIS of Gaza. That's a question that the Lebanese authorities need to ask themselves and answer because the way it is looking now Hezbollah is aggressing and it is dragging Lebanon into a war that it will gain nothing from but stands to lose a lot," he added.
The IDF spokesperson said that Hezbollah has been attacking Israeli positions. He said, "For instance, massive anti-tank fire towards Israeli military positions here and here in these areas as well as anti-tank fire towards communities like this community here and Kibbutz in this area here. Unfortunately, there have been both civilian and military casualties as a result of Hezbollah fire."
Conricus said, "Hezbollah has fired a lot of rockets and mortars at Israeli positions here in this area which is called Mount Dove, where we have military positions but no Israeli communities. Those positions have sustained quite a lot of direct either rocket fire or anti-tank missiles. There have been attempts to infiltrate. Hezbollah teams have been trying to infiltrate towards these positions that has been thwarted as well and in other areas."
He said that Hezbollah uses civilian buildings and villages to hide. He said that Hezbollah in their videos is seen shooting just from within a populated area or just on the outskirts. He said that Hezbollah has intentionally fired in near proximity to UN positions, which he called a move in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.
"We have seen instances where Hezbollah has intentionally fired in near proximity to UN positions, probably attempting for us to respond to that fire and perhaps harming UN peacekeepers, which is something that we definitely are careful not to do, and in general, of course, a blatant act of aggression by Hezbollah in direct violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which stipulates clearly that Hezbollah isn't supposed to be present in the entire area south of the Litani River," he said.
He noted that Israel has not been aggressing along the blue line and it is just defending itself. He stressed that Hezbollah is aggressing and added, "The State of Lebanon is responsible for everything that happens in its territory now." He said that Israel has evacuated many of the communities along the northern border.
On Saturday evening, a protest was held in front of the Israel Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv, Al Jazeera reported. Protesters were demanding that the Israeli government not go ahead with a ground invasion until it could secure those captives' release from Gaza, Al Jazeera reported.
On Friday, Hamas released two Americans, a mother-daughter duo identified as Judith and Natalie Raanan, CNN reported. They were taken hostage during Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7, which has, so far, killed over 1,400 people, including civilians and soldiers scores more injured and abducted around 200 others.
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) on Sunday said that IDF and Israel Securities Authorities carried out an aerial strike at the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist compound in the Al-Ansar Mosque in Jenin.
Taking to X, the Israel Defence Forces said that the recent IDF intel revealed that the Mosque was used as a command centre to plan and carry out terrorist attacks against civilians.
In a post shared on X, the IDF stated, "The IDF & ISA just conducted an aerial strike on a Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist compound in the Al-Ansar Mosque in Jenin. Recent IDF intel revealed that the Mosque was used as a command center to plan and execute terrorist attacks against civilians."
In another post on X, the IDF stated that its soldiers hit a terrorist cell trying to launch anti-tank missiles towards northern Israel. The IDF in a post shared on X stated, "Hamas wants the world to believe that they are a humanitarian organization. Don't fall for their trap."
In the video posted by IDF on X, the Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said, "Hamas in the past 24 hours, as well as the days before, but especially in the last 24 hours has been trying to present itself as a humanitarian organization to the world after the release of the two hostages yesterday. The world cannot forget Hamas is worse than ISIS."
The Israeli Air Force stressed that Hamas uses the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields and launches rockets from civilian infrastructure.
Taking to X, the Israeli Air Force stated, "The Hamas terrorist organization uses the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields, and launches rockets from civilian infrastructure, areas and buildings in the Gaza Strip."
The IDF said that they have identified about 550 failed launches fired by Hamas that landed in Gaza since October 7.
Taking to X, the IDF stated, "Since Oct 7, the IDF has identified about 550 failed launches fired by Hamas that landed inside Gaza. The Hamas terrorist organization launches rockets from civilian infrastructure, areas and buildings in Gaza, injuring their own civilians."