'Honest, direct talks' only way forward to resolve Afghanistan crisis: Abdullah Abdullah

Aug 07, 2020

Kabul [Afghanistan], August 07 : As Afghanistan government readies up to hold talks with Taliban, Afghan High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) Chairman, Abdullah Abdullah, on Friday said that the honest and direct talks are the only way forward to resolve the current crisis in war-torn Afghanistan.
Speaking in the Loya Jirga, Abdullah said: "Those who think they can win through war are wrong and mistaken. I urge them to re-think. The only way forward for resolving the current crisis is through honest and direct talks. It is our religious and national obligation to put an end to the suffering of our people."
The Loya Jirga or grand assembly has opened in Afghanistan's capital to decide whether to release a final 400 Taliban prisoners. The release of prisoners is being considered as last hurdle into opening peace talks between the internationally-backed government and the Taliban under a peace deal between the terrorists and the United States.
The Loya Jirga is being led by Abdullah Abdullah, who also served as the chef executive officer of Afghan government from 2014 to March 2020. Thousands of Afghan elders, community leaders, and politicians gathered to decide the fate of 400 Taliban terrorist.
The Afghan government has said that they have released over 4,600 Taliban prisoners, 400 less than the number decided during the US-Taliban deal. The government is hesitating to release the remaining prisoners due to their serious crime.
"Releasing the Taliban prisoners was a difficult decision for the government, but it is even more difficult to decide about the remaining 400 prisoners. Hence, the Afghan leadership decided to call for the Jirga and consult you before making the final decision," Abdullah had tweeted.
Speaking during the Jirga, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said Loya Jirga members have an important responsibility when it comes to the release of these prisoners, Tolo News reported.
"Based on the Constitution, the release of these 400 prisoners is not within the authority of the president of Afghanistan. We have passed through major hurdles to reach this point, we have reached a very sensitive and critical moment. The holding of this Jirga demonstrates my commitment to the implementation of the Constitution," said Ghani in his opening remarks at the Loya Jirga.