Hong Kongers confronting 'largest, retiring regime' in the world: Activist Joshua Wong
Jun 09, 2020

Hong Kong, June 9 : Signalling the "comeback" of "labour strike and mass mobilisation" in Hong Kong against mainland China over the draconian national security law, pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong said the people of the financial hub of Asia are standing against the "largest and retiring regime" in the world.
Wong's remarks come in the backdrop of a resolution passed by China's lawmakers to impose the Hong Kong security bill aimed at bringing the semi-autonomous territory further under Beijing's control. The bill has prompted large demonstrations in the city and severe criticism from the international community.
In an interview with Strategic News International, the activist said, "Labour strike and mass mobilisation will make a come back this summer. We really wish that the world knows how we are standing to confront the largest and retiring regime in the world."
The resolution is officially known as the "draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security."
With the introduction of the national security law in Hong Kong, Wong said that China is "trying to turn Hong Kong from 'one country, two systems' to 'one country, one system'. "With the new law and the secret police appointed by Beijing, it would come to Hong Kong and arrest people," he said.
On the ongoing situation in Hong Kong, he explained, "Thousands of Hong Kongers have opposed the national security law. Riot police not only arrested the protestors, but even high-school students wearing uniforms. We also observed how rubber bullets and tear gas have been used by the riot police in Hong Kong."
"The crackdown on the autonomy implies that how Hong Kong have been turned from a global financial centre to a city under the hard-line rule of Beijing," he said.
Responding to a question over China's intent with respect to the new law, Wong said that it is aimed at targetting anyone who criticises President Xi Jinping on social media and criticising the city leaders in Hong Kong. "National security will violate freedom of speech," he added.
"We hope that international allies will stand with Hong Kong. Once the national security law is imposed in Hong Kong, it would just curtail its free flow of information and capital and it will no longer be the city of economic freedom," the activist said.
He hoped that India too will support the protestors opposing the national security law in Hong Kong. "From the US, UK, Asia and Europe, we encourage countries to issue statements to oppose the implementation of this evil law," he said.
Wong said that "in such an uphill battle, we expect the world to stand with us."
"Yesterday China, today Hong Kong and tomorrow Taiwan. With the loss of human rights activism in mainland China, those dissidents will stand with fellow Hong Kong protestors with the hope to continue the fight," he further said.