How a man, wife and child jumped out of emergency exit and survived the Air India Express plane crash

Aug 11, 2020

Kozhikode (Kerala) [India], August 11 : While 18 of his co-passengers lost their lives and several others were injured when an Air India Express flight crash-landed at the Kozhikode airport on August 7, Ramshad was one of the lucky passengers who miraculously escaped with minor injuries along with his four-year-old daughter Shaiza Irene and pregnant wife Sufaira.
After the crash, Ramshad managed to escape with his family after jumping out through the emergency exit on to the aircraft wing and the ground.
Sharing his firsthand account with ANI, he said, "We heard the announcement from the pilot that we would touch down at Kozhikode airport and land shortly. It was like another flight landing announcement. There was no warning issued in the message and we started to descend. But halfway through I realised that instead of landing, the plane again ascended. It continued hovering above the airport for nearly 10 to 20 minutes."
"There was no second announcement and the plane landed again. From inside, we could feel that it touched the runway and the flight was moving ahead. But suddenly the flight gathered speed and it began to shake violently. Within seconds it plunged into the gorge."
He continued, "We realised it after getting out. From the cabin above, the luggage and debris had fallen on to my four-year-daughter. I somehow managed to get up and took my daughter who was seated next to me. My wife also got up after the initial shock."
"Then we realised we had crash-landed. We were seated in the 18th row and just in front of us was an emergency exit. Through it we managed to reach the wing of aircraft and jumped out to safety. There was cries around us. I feared that the aircraft will explode and started running with my family to safety. It's a miracle that we escaped unhurt. I thank the almighty for it."
Ramshad works in Dubai and has been discharged from hospital after treatment for minor injuries during the crash. However, his child and wife were unhurt in the incident.