How to get affordable travel insurance on your next vacay

Oct 11, 2023

New Delhi [India], October 11: Planning your next vacation is exciting, but travel insurance isn't the most thrilling item to search for. Looking for hotels, restaurants, and things to do are way more enticing, right? Travel insurance might not seem as glamorous but getting the best travel insurance is as important as securing a table in advance at a trendy restaurant.
The problem is, when you leave travel insurance as the last item on your checklist, you end up paying way more than you should, all because you're in a frantic rush. Oops! But guess what? There are smart ways to shave off thousands of rupees from your next travel insurance quote.
Let us learn how to score affordable travel insurance online without sacrificing essential coverage.
Travel insurance is like your trusty sidekick during your travels. It is ready to save the day when things don't go as planned. It can cover lost luggage, flight cancellations, medical emergencies, and even unexpected disruptions like a pandemic (yep, we're looking at you, COVID-19). But remember, it's not a one-size-fits-all deal. Your travel insurance needs to depend on your trip, so think about what could go wrong and what you want to protect. Here are some tips to help you find affordable travel insurance online:
Start Early
If you want to snag a budget-friendly policy, start your hunt as soon as you start planning your vacation. Why? Because purchasing insurance early can often result in lower premiums. So, as soon as you lock in those dates and destinations, fire up your laptop and begin researching travel insurance online. Procrastinators beware - waiting until the last minute could mean paying extra.
Compare Multiple Quotes
Do you pick the first dress you see? To find the best unravel insurance shop around. Don't settle for the first travel insurance policy that pops on your screen. Use comparison websites or contact different insurance providers to get multiple quotes. Compare the coverage, limits, deductibles, and prices to find the best travel insurance online.
Assess Your Coverage Needs
Let's be clear your travel insurance needs would differ from your friends. In fact, your insurance needs would vary on your different trips. Take a moment and look at your trip - its duration, destination, and activities and think about what you really need and what could go wrong on your trip. Will you be going for adventure activities like sky diving, scuba or just lounging on the beach? Are you packing Prada or sticking with the basics? Will you rent a car or use public transport?
Opt for a Basic Plan
Trying to decide - should you go for the basic or fancy travel insurance plan? Well, a basic plan is definitely more affordable and will cover important travel stuff like trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost baggage. Go for a premium plan only if it's required for your trip.
Planning to go for extreme sports like sky diving, make sure your your insurance covers it. Don't get influenced by insurance guys and let them upsell an expensive plan if it's not required for your trip.
Look for Discounts
Check if you are eligible for a discount. Some insurance providers offer discounts to certain groups, such as students, senior citizens or members of specific organisations. Often there are discounts on credit cards and certain bank cards. Check if you qualify for any discounts before buying the best travel insurance online.
Use Existing Coverage
Before you go hunting for the best travel insurance, take a peek at your current health and life insurance plans. Sometimes, you can add travel coverage as an extra to your current policies for a fraction of the price of a standalone travel insurance plan. Existing coverage can save you a lot of money while travelling. So no harm in checking your existing policies.
Consider Deductibles
A deductible is like the money you promise to pay before your insurance starts helping you out. If you go for a higher deductible, your insurance premium will be smaller. But here's the catch: if things don't go as planned, you'll need to have that cash ready to cover your share of the expenses before you make an insurance claim. So, take a good look at the upsides and downsides before deciding.
Exclude Unnecessary Coverage
Review the policy carefully and exclude coverage for items or events that are not relevant to your trip. For example, if you have health insurance that covers you internationally, you may not need travel medical insurance in your policy.
Consider Annual Policies
If you're a globetrotter, an annual travel insurance policy might be your golden ticket. Instead of purchasing separate policies for each trip, you get year-round coverage. It's not only convenient but can also be cost-effective in the long run. So, if you're planning multiple vacations in a year, consider the annual policy to save both time and money.
Keep this in mind: going for the cheapest policy might not give you the best coverage. So, find that sweet spot where you're not breaking the bank but still getting the protection you need for your trip. Customise your travel insurance to best fit your travel needs. That way, you'll be all set without blowing your budget.
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