Human rights group urges world to remember victims of China's enforced disappearance

Sep 01, 2021

Beijing [China] September 1 : Human rights group while marking the 'International Day of the Disappeared' urged the world to remember the people who became the victim of China's 'enforced disappearance'.
These victims include monks and nuns, writers, artists, farmers, community leaders, students, and other intellectuals, from the Tibetan and Uyghur communities, Radio Free Asia reported citing Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy based in India (TCHRD).
Estimated disappearances in China's mainland alone is more than 50,000 in 2021 while in Tibetan areas, at least 40 cases of enforced disappearance have been recorded during the last three years, TCHRD informed.
In 2019, two residents from Tibet Autonomous Prefecture were also detained for resisting forced patriotic education during the run-up to the 70th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China, TCHRD added.
Meanwhile, Pema Gyal, a researcher at the London-based rights group 'Tibet Watch' also informed that there are so many Tibetans who are arrested by the Chinese government but their whereabouts and reasons for arrests remain out of radar.
This is because of the strict communications clampdowns imposed by Chinese authorities in Tibetan areas, Radio Free Asia reported.
"The Chinese government enforces its control on Tibetans by means of political threats and punishments, so Tibetans have no political or civil rights.
Beijing has imposed a "population optimization strategy" in order to shrink the population of the Uyghur community in the country's southern Xinjiang, said the report based on official Chinese documents and academic debate.
As a part of this strategy, China is immigrating the people of the Han Chinese community in Uyghur populated regions while imposing strict birth controls on the Uyghurs, Radio Free Asia reported citing a new report by German researcher Adrian Zenz.
The report by Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) and the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs (Oxus) also discerned different methods used by the Chinese government against Uyghur communities in Pakistan and Afghanistan.