I will not accept imported government, join people in struggle, says Imran Khan

Apr 08, 2022

Islamabad [Pakistan], April 8 : Hitting out at the opposition parties ahead of a no-confidence vote in National Assembly ordered by the Supreme Court, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that he will "not accept any scenario in which an imported government is brought in Pakistan" and will go the people.
In his address to the nation on Friday, Imran Khan again strongly raked up the "foreign conspiracy charge" by mentioning the United States and repeatedly told people to struggle and strive for "sovereignty" of the country.
In an indication that his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government could lose the no-trust vote, he urged people to take to the streets on Sunday evening and said he will join them in their struggle.
"You have to come out to protest for Pakistan's dream on Sunday evening. I will be with you. I will struggle with you. I will not accept any scenario in which an imported government is brought in Pakistan," he said.
He alleged "open horse-trading" to bring down his government and said democracy in Pakistan has "become a joke".
Khan expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court verdict which set aside the rejection of the no-confidence motion in the National Assembly by the Deputy Speaker.
"It is a serious accusation that a foreign power is attempting to oust a government as part of a conspiracy... this serious allegation should at least have been probed," Khan said.
He also referred to his visit to Russia when Moscow launched a military operation in Ukraine and said a US official had told Pakistan diplomat that he (Imran Khan) should not have visited Russia."
The Prime Minister maintained that the US official had warned the Pakistan diplomat that "if he (Imran Khan) saves himself from the no-confidence motion, then Pakistan will have to face severe consequences".
"There is open horse-trading, politicians are being sold, they are being held in hotels like cattle, they are being auctioned. Pakistan's democracy has become a joke. What kind of democracy is this and what kind of democracy permits this? The Supreme Court should at least should have taken a suo moto cognizance," he said.
He also lashed out at PML-N chief Shehbaz Sharif, who is the opposition's choice for Prime Minister.
"We have leaders who say beggars are not choosers...he can sacrifice Pakistan's everything for the sake of his money," Imran Khan said.
In a setback to the Imran Khan government, the Pakistan Supreme Court on Thursday set aside the ruling of the Deputy Speaker which rejected the no-confidence motion brought bt opposition parties and restored the National Assembly.
The court gave directions for holding the sitting of the National Assembly "not later than 10:30 am on April 9" for the no-trust vote.
The court set aside all the subsequent steps taken after the rejection of the no-confidence vote.
It also declared that the Prime Minister and federal ministers, ministers of state, advisers stand restored to their respective offices as on April 3.
The top court further ruled that the National Assembly session on the no-confidence motion must be convened by Saturday morning and must not be adjourned until a vote on the motion.