ICJ fixes time limit for memorial, counter-memorial in case filed by Ukraine against Russia
Mar 25, 2022

The Hague [Netherland], March 25 : International Court of Justice has fixed the time limits for the filing of the Memorial and the Counter-Memorial in the case of 'Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention & Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for Ukraine and Russia'.
In its order of March 23, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, taking into account the views expressed by the Parties (Ukraine and Russia), fixed September 23, 2022, for the Memorial of Ukraine and March 23, 2023, for the Counter-Memorial of the Russian Federation and reserved the subsequent procedure for further decision.
Earlier, on March 16, the ICJ had ruled that Russia must suspend its military operations in Ukraine.
Ukraine moved the ICJ against Russia accusing it of falsely claiming that Ukrainians are committing genocide in their territory and using it as a pretext for war.
Ukraine had instituted proceedings against the Russian Federation with respect to "a dispute . . . relating to the interpretation, application and fulfilment of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide".
ICJ had on March 1 fixed March 7 and 8, 2022 as the dates for the oral proceedings in a hybrid format on the Request for the indication of provisional measures.
However, Russia on March 5 indicated that it will not participate in the oral proceedings and a public hearing was held in a hybrid format without the participation of the Russian Federation.
After the hearing, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands communicated to the Court a document setting out the position of his Government regarding the alleged "lack of jurisdiction of the Court" in the case.
Russia emphasized that, in its view, Ukraine's Application "manifestly fall[s] beyond the scope of the [Genocide] Convention and thus the jurisdiction of the Court,"
The ICJ, however, indicated certain provisional measures.