India lauded for UNSC's December Presidency by member states
Dec 23, 2022

New York [US], December 24 : The UN Member States on Friday (local time) heaped praise on India as it's United Nations Security Council December's presidential term comes to a close on December 31.
"Truly bittersweet moment, pleasure working alongside India, a Security Council veteran with principled foreign policy, constructive approach, a stellar cadre of diplomats. UAE particularly values its partnership with India on counterterrorism," said Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN, Mohamed Abushahab.
Notably, UAE will take over from India the responsibility of chairing the CounterTerrorism Committee next month.
"As we navigate increasingly complex challenges & crises, we appreciate your much-needed focus on reforming multilateralism, your consistent advocacy for Global South," tweeted UAE in UN.
Switzerland also congratulated India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj and her team for India's "extremely efficient Presidency".
"Congratulate Amb @ruchirakamboj and her team @IndiaUNNewYork for what has been an extremely efficient Presidency. You managed in three weeks what is usually done in four," tweeted Switzerland at the UN.
Several UN member states, including incoming Security Council members, lauded India's stewardship of the Council as President in December, particularly taking note of the two signature events on reformed multilateralism and counter-terrorism that India hosted last week.
Kenya's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Martin Kimani said he takes 'special recognition' that among the outgoing, elected members of the Security Council, "India is only one to have had a second opportunity to hold the presidency of the Security Council." "For those who have been through a month of the presidency, you will understand that India took on itself a very great deal of work and had to make a great deal of effort for which we're very grateful," he said.
Russia said the Indian presidency managed to achieve a lot in the month and this is notable, particularly by the number of products adopted by the Council, which has been possible thanks to the professionalism of the Indian team.
"India, as president of the Security Council, has demonstrated the highest standards of multilateral diplomacy and a focus on finding wise and balanced decisions. You indeed have a double burden, over the time you've been in the Council, you've been president twice. Your efforts to serve deserve great recognition," the Russian delegate said.
India assumed the monthly rotating presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on December 1, the second time in its two-year tenure as an elected member of the Council in 2021-22. India had earlier assumed the UNSC presidency in August 2021.
India on Thursday (local time) wrapped up its December Presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) with a special focus on terrorism, Global South and maritime security.
Addressing the last scheduled meeting of the UNSC of the year and India's term at the Council, India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj said, "We did not hesitate to raise our voice against the common enemy of humanity, such as terrorism", in the wrap-up session as India is set to exit UNSC after a 2-year term.
Speaking on the need for reforms at the UNSC, she said, "We were acutely aware of the fact that reform of the Security Council is the need of the hour."
"During the last two years, we spoke out in support of peace, security and prosperity. We did not hesitate in raising our voices against the common enemies of humanity, such as terrorism. We were conscious that when we spoke in the Security Council, we were speaking on behalf of 1.4 billion Indians or one 6th of humanity. But we are also conscious of the fact that we were also the voice of the Global South during our tenure," said Kamboj.
Highlighting issues of particular importance to the developing world, she said India reiterated and reinforced its commitment to the basic principles of multilateralism, rule of law and a fair and equitable international system.
"There were instances when we had to stand alone, but the alternative in those instances was to let go of the principles we genuinely believe in, where we had genuine differences, including with our partners who are present on stage today with me. The role of the Security Council in dealing with climate change. For one, our opposition was based on principles. We also tried to bring in focus issues which we believe are highly important, but which had received adequate attention from the Security Council," said the Indian envoy.
On maritime security and challenges posed by piracy, she said, "Maritime security was the best example where, until not too long ago, the Security Council was focused only on the issue of piracy, whereas maritime security encompasses far larger issues as well as a large troop-contributing country."