Indian Army troops, part of UN peacekeepers defend armed attack on Congolese Army

May 26, 2022

Kinshasa [DRC], May 26 : The Indian army and troops of other nationalities under the UN flag fended off an unprovoked attack by an armed group on the FARDC (Congolese Army) and the MONUSCO (United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo) positions in Congo on May 22.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released a statement on Tuesday, condemning the "deliberate attack targeting peacekeepers". It added that such attacks may constitute war crimes under international law.
The members of the Security Council expressed concern at the increase of armed group activity in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and reiterated their condemnation of all armed groups operating in the country, including the recent attack.
The member countries called on all actors to end violence and their violations and abuse of international human rights and international humanitarian law.
"They (members of the Security Council) urged the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and its partners, including international financial institutions, to urgently provide adequate and timely support for swift and effective implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of eligible former combatants, under the coordination of the PDDRC-S," the statement reads.
The members of the Security Council expressed their concern about the current humanitarian situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Indian Army troops deployed in MONUSCO is part of a multilateral United Nations peacekeeping force that has been contributing to the stabilisation of the strife-torn region in accordance with a UN mandate.