Indian Democracy: The Envy of Islamic Supremacist Pakistan
May 18, 2020

By Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza
Glasgow [Scotland], May 18 : The constitution of Pakistan bars non-Muslims from becoming the head of the state. Ahmed Muslims were declared non-Islamic by a parliamentary amendment in the constitution in 1974 and are not allowed to participate in the general elections unless they sign an oath proclaiming the finality of the Prophet Muhammad.
Hence a Hindu, or an Ahmedi or a Christian or Sikh cannot hold the highest civil office in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Yet every other Pakistani TV anchor, populist politician and an array of Islamic demagogues point their finger towards India criticising it for imaginary religious discrimination claiming that Muslims in India face discrimination on the basis of their faith.
The constitution of the Republic of India guarantees equal rights to all of its citizens without any kind of discrimination. Hence, Dr Zakir Hussain, R K Narayan- a Dalit, and Abdul Kalam became presidents of the Republic of India in 1967, 1997 and 2002 respectively.
The systemic persecution of Hindu community and other religious minorities in Pakistan is an everyday occurrence. According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan report for 2019, every year 1000 Hindu young women are kidnapped, forcefully converted to Islam and married off to their kidnapper.
Most recently, the case of a 14-year-old Mehek Kumari from Jacobabad in Sindh caught attention of international media. Mehek was kidnapped while on her way to school and was forcefully converted and married to an Islamic zealot.
When the family of Mehek filed a case against the culprit she was brought to face the court. Despite her refusal to change her religion and refusal to consent to marriage the court fearful of the Islamic clergy, who threatened to burn down the court and murder the judges, sent Mehek to a children care home and refused to give her back to her family.
Scores of Churches are burnt down or destroyed in the name of Islam in Pakistan. In 1997 thousands of fanatic Muslims descended on Shanti Nagar, a small village in Punjab and destroyed 785 houses, demolished four churches and forced 2500 Christians to flee the village. In 2009 Muslim fanatics attacked the town of Gojra near Toba Tek Singh in Punjab and burned down Christian homes killing eight Christians including four women and a child.
Blasphemy Law is used as a tool of repression to settle scores with helpless Hindus and Christians. Asiya Bibi, a Christian, was one such case in which she was accused of blasphemy after a petty argument with Muslim women from her village. She had to spend 10 years in prison before she was acquitted and secretly flown to Canada where she has been granted asylum. The governor of Punjab Salman Taseer who visited Asiya Bibi in jail and promised to help her find justice was himself gunned down in Islamabad by his own Muslim fanatic security guard under the influence of Jihadi Islamic doctrine.
Jihadi Islamic doctrine was originally born out of the wedlock between western powers and Pakistani military to fulfil the necessity to contain communism from taking hold in Afghanistan. It was conceived by the dollars provided by the CIA and in the evil womb of the Pakistan secret service ISI. Today Jihadist Islam has become a Frankenstein monster. Currently, it is exclusively the Pakistani military establishment and the ISI who are in actuality the very evil entity that manufactures nurtures and exports Jihadi terrorism.
From Afghanistan to the Vale of Kashmir and from Morocco in North Africa to the Philippines in the Far East, roots of jihadist terrorism can be traced back to the military General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi.
Any attempt to condemn jihad or the Islamic cultural invasion of nonMuslim societies is conveniently labelled as Islamophobia. The most recent example of which is the city of Hamtramck. No sooner did Hamtramck, a city in Wayne County in the US State of Michigan, became the first American city to elect a Muslim majority council than the residents got a taste of what it is like to live under the domination of an Islam centric political administration. In a controversial move, the council has allowed the use of loudspeakers five times a day for Muslim call for prayers causing anxiety among the locals.
The loudest noise a normal human ear can bear is 140 decibels and anything above that will incur in pathological damage to one's health. At average the mosque loudspeakers generate a noise between 110 and 120 decibels. So when Hamtramck residents complained of the loud noise blasting five times a day in their neighbourhood, they got accused of 'being against Muslims'. Pamela Geller, in her write-up, published in Geller Report, describes this takeover of an America city by Islamic zealots and their subsequent decision to allow the use loudspeakers to call for prayers, as 'Islamic supermacism in action'.
Any attempts to criticise the increase in the decibel caused by the Islamic call to prayers is labelled as being anti-Muslim or Islamophobic. However, one does not have to dig deep into one's memory to realise that while pointing the finger towards the non-Muslim world and accusing them of practicing Islamophobia, the Jihadi Muslims themselves have begun an Islamic cultural blitz on rest of the nations. It is under the self-professed guilt of being Islamophobic that non-Islamic societies are morally blackmailed into allowing more and more religious, cultural and political supremacy to Jihadist Islam.
Indian democracy is the only political entity in the world that has given its 220 million Muslim population equal civil rights including the right to vote. However, it has been the trademark of Indian Muslim clergy along with a plethora of so-called democratic political parties to accuse others of Islamophobia to serve their own short term electoral gains and to divide Hindustan on a communal basis.
Pakistan is a living example of a country where political Jihadist Islam has taken grip over the state apparatus. She has since used Islamic Sharia's cultural oppression to eradicate Pashtun, Baluch, Sindhi, Kashmiri and above all the very Punjabi culture that is the recruiting ground for the military establishment itself.
All indigenous cultures have been flogged and tortured into submission to a terrifying Islamic social and cultural code (Sharia Law) denying which can be charged under the infamous Blasphemy Law that carries a death sentence.
This threat is vetted out to political opponents, outspoken journalists as well as social activists. Arif Shahid, a PoK political leader who criticised Pakistan for attacking Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 and demanded independence from Pakistan was shot outside his house in Rawalpindi in 2013. Recently Arif Wazir, leader of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) was killed while he was on his way home to break his Ramzan fast. Thousands of Baluch political, social and human right activists are kidnapped murdered on a daily basis and their mutilated bodies dropped from helicopters. Hundreds of Shias have been killed in sectarian riots in Pakistani occupied Gilgit Baltistan; at least three secular nationalist political parties have been formally banned in Sindh. Sajid Hussain Baluch an outspoken journalist from Quetta who fled Pakistan for the safety of his life was kidnapped and murdered in April in Sweden.
Furthermore, the Pakistani establishment recently circulated a message on social media asking Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora living in the United Kingdom to collect evidence of Muslim bashing committed by Hindus! Look carefully and you will soon find that it is not the average Hindu or Indian government that is pro-actively conducting Muslim bashing as a fundamental principle of their domestic or foreign policy. On the contrary, it has always been Jihadi Muslims themselves under the patronage of the Pakistani military establishment who have employed political Islam to slit throats of their own law-abiding Muslim brothers.
The 10 year-long Iran-Iraq (Shia-Sunni) war that consumed millions of innocent lives was fought between two Muslim countries. It is Muslim Iran, and not the 'Hindu' Baharat, which has since 1979 held a whole Muslim population hostage to the dictates of the Shia brand of Sharia Law. Today the criminal thugs of the so-called Islamic State are killing Alawites Muslims in Syria. And what about the attack conducted on May 12 on a maternity hospital in Kabul? Were the attackers Hindus? Or Sikhs? No. It was the Takfiri groups of jihadi Muslim who massacred mothers and babies.
Dozens of terrorist groups and organisations from Taliban to Al Qaeda and Hizbul Mujahideen to Lashkar-e-Toiba are operating from the safe havens that the Pakistani military establishment have granted them. In return, these terrorist outfits act as proxies of the rouge Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The rise of Hindustan as the world's second-largest world economy has become a thorn in the eye of the Pakistani establishment. Pakistan's perpetual failure to maintain its existence on the basis of two-nation theory has forced it to keep stirring the doctrine of Islamophobia and use it as a cultural export targeting the Indian Muslim community. The fact that Indian Muslims live in harmony with people of other faiths defeats the very political and cultural concept of two-nation theory on which the very foundation of Pakistan was laid. Hence for Pakistan, it is of paramount importance that she carries on funding Jihadi groups and religious clergy in India who obediently continue to stir unrest and Hindu bashing. The genocide of the Kashmiri Pundits in 1990 conducted under the watchful eye of the Kashmiri Mullahs and now banned Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front thugs and promoting a historical narrative that in essence breeds jihadi Islamic supremacy has been the cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy toward India.
Pakistan's most effective cultural export - Islamophobia, the doctrine that Muslims are being persecuted and marginalised, is being promoted as a political tool in the hands of Indian Muslim clergy so that they can sow the seeds of communal conflict in India.
Have you ever heard that a Hindu suicide bomber has carried out an attack on innocent civilians? No. However, on July 20, 1995, Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Harkat-ul-Ansar planted a bomb in a scooter that exploded in a marketplace in Jammu killing 17 and injuring more than 100. On December 13, 2001, another Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jesh-e-Muhammad claimed responsibility for the suicide bomb attack on Indian parliament killing 7 and injuring 12.
Again on July 11, 2006, seven bombs exploded simultaneously on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai claiming 209 lives and injuring more than 700. On July 26, 2008, 56 people were killed and more than 500 were wounded in Ahmedabad bombings. On November 18, 2008, in Mumbai, 166 people lost their lives and more than 166 were injured in coordinated attacks conducted by Lashkar-e-Toiba. On July 27, 2015 terrorists of Pakistani origin based in Kashmir disguised in Indian military uniforms attacked Dina Nagar police station in Gurdaspur district of Punjab. January 2, 2016, Pathankot incident took place, September 2018 Uri attack...the list goes on and on.
When India identified the terrorists to be of Pakistani origin, the Pakistani establishment shouts that India is Islamophobic! In fact, Islamophobia is a moral tool for blackmailing non-Muslim cultures into accepting political Islam as acceptable cultural discourse. This trick of Pakistan has now become so obvious that it has begun to backfire and the world community has begun to point their fingers toward her. No wonder the Pakistani military establishment is losing its diplomatic war against India.
[Disclaimer: Amjad Ayub Mirza is an author from Mirpur in PoK. He currently lives in exile in the United Kingdom]