Indian Embassy in Madagascar holds plantation drive on Earth Day

Apr 23, 2022

Antananarivo [Madagascar], April 23 : Indian Embassy in Madagascar organised a plantation drive with over 200 saplings of native trees to mark the 52nd Earth Day on Friday.
Native species of trees of Madagascar such as Baobab and Ravinala (traveller's palm) were planted among others.
Earlier in March, the Mayor of Madagascar's capital Antananarivo and Indian Ambassador to Madagascar Abhay Kumar had inaugurated a green triangle named after Mahatma Gandhi in the city centre of Antananarivo.
The Indian embassy in Madagascar became the first embassy to go solar in October 2020 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Speaking on the occasion Ambassador Abhay Kumar said, "When our planet faces the triple threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution, planting saplings of native trees is a sure certain way to fight against these challenges."