Indiaspora welcomes President Biden's nomination of LA Mayor Eric Garcetti as new US envoy to India

Jul 09, 2021

San Francisco (California) [US], July 10 : Indiaspora, a non-profit organisation of global Indian diaspora leaders, expressed their enthusiasm for the Biden administration's announcement of the nomination of Los Angeles (LA) Mayor Eric Garcetti to the post of new US Ambassador to India.
President Joe Biden on Friday (local time) announced his intent to nominate LA Mayor Garcetti to become the new US envoy to India.
Mayor Garcetti's close political ties to President Biden and his experience in the national and international arenas present a welcome opportunity for the diaspora to work together to continue bridging US-India ties.
Garcetti's selection, which has long been anticipated, an ambassadorship in India would allow Garcetti to work on such issues as pandemic relief, climate change, trade and immigration, offering him new foreign policy experience.
As the Mayor of Los Angeles, the United States' second-largest city, Garcetti would bring valuable political and administrative experience to the role.
A close political confidante of President Biden who served as a Co-chair of his campaign in 2020, Garcetti also would have the President's ear.
"We are excited that President Biden has nominated a reputed leader who has proven himself on several fronts," said the founder of Indiaspora MR Rangaswami, a Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur and investor, about Garcetti's nomination.
"It speaks volumes to the importance of the US-India relationship that a close and trusted ally of President Biden may be America's point person in Delhi."
Garcetti has a range of international experience, having lived and worked in Asia as well as Europe and Africa. A Rhodes' Scholar, he has served as Los Angeles' first Deputy Mayor for International Affairs, where he expanded LA's global ties to bring more jobs, economic opportunity, culture, education, and visitors to the city, according to Los Angeles' government website.
"Mayor Garcetti recognizes the importance of international cooperation and how to bring different actors together on the world stage," said Executive Director of Indiaspora Sanjeev Joshipura, speaking to Garcetti's accomplishments as Mayor of Los Angeles, which include bringing the 2028 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games to the United States for the first time in more than 30 years, as well as leading an effort of more than 400 fellow mayors across America to adopt the Paris Climate Agreement.
"We appreciate the administration's recent recognition of Indiaspora's, and more broadly, the diaspora's role in serving as a bridge between the US and India. The diaspora's importance in this regard is only poised to grow, and we enthusiastically welcome President Biden's nomination of Mayor Garcetti to serve as the next US Ambassador to India," said Joshipura.