Israel works to increase use of alternative energies
Jan 01, 2024

Tel Aviv [Israel], January 1 (ANI/TPS): For the first time in Israel, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure allowed the establishment of energy companies in the local authorities. This is being done in order to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy.
In cooperation with companies from the private sector, according to the conditions to be determined by the Ministry of the Interior, joint energy corporations will allow local authorities that choose this option to speed up the installation of solar systems, storage facilities and charging stations for electric vehicles in their territories.
Also, the corporations will allow the local authorities to become more efficient in their energy consumption and manage it in a better way. This move will help them save on current expenses and channel them for the benefit of improving the service to the citizens, at the same time as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The "Iron Swords" war highlighted the importance and especially the urgency of creating energy security, alongside the need to decentralise renewable energy production and storage.
This mechanism of establishing joint energy corporations will make it possible to accelerate energy security through a transition to sustainable energy--renewable energies, storage, electric vehicles and energy efficiency.
All of these will improve the energy resilience of the local authorities, among other things, in essential facilities required for functional continuity during an emergency, such as emergency reception centres in public buildings and government buildings. (ANI/TPS)