"It's complete war-like situation": Baloch Yakjehti Committee urges international community to take notice

Jul 29, 2024

Gwadar [Pakistan], July 30 : Following reports of Pakistani forces opening fire on protestors during the Baloch National Gathering, the Baloch Yakjehti Committee termed the situation in Gwadar "extremely tense and dangerous" and said the region is under complete siege.
"The situation in Gwadar is extremely tense and dangerous. Thousands of military personnel have brutally attacked the #BalochNationalGathering, directly firing on unarmed participants, killing and wounding hundreds," the Baloch Yakjehti Committee said in a statement on Monday.
The rights group alleged that the Pakistani military has sealed Marine Drive and carried a "brutal crackdown" on the protestors by abducting and torturing them.
"The military has sealed Marine Drive from all sides and started a brutal crackdown against the participants. They are not allowing ambulances to pick up the injured. The military is illegally abducting and torturing participants. They are trying to arrest and harm our leadership," the BYC stated.

"It is a complete war-like situation between the innocent and unarmed Baloch and the powerful, brutal, savage army of Pakistan. Gwadar is under complete siege; everyone seen on the roads is being arrested, and houses are being raided," it added.
The Baloch rights group urged people to teach the "oppressor" a lesson, and carry out shutter-down strikes, and block roads across the whole of Balochistan.

"We request the Baloch masses all around Balochistan to teach the oppressor a lesson: the Baloch will never be afraid of your brutalities. People from every corner of Balochistan are urged to observe shutter-down strikes, block roads, and resist this oppression by any possible means," it stated.
It further called on the international community, the United Nations, and Amnesty International to take notice of the situation in Balochistan.

"To the international community and the people of Balochistan, you are witnessing the gravest violations against the Baloch people by Pakistani colonial authorities. Standing idly by will further strengthen the oppressor to inflict more pain and cause more destruction. We urge the United Nations and Amnesty International to take notice of what is happening in Balochistan," the Baloch Yakjehti Committee stated.
Earlier in the day, multiple reports surfaced showing a brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters in Gwadar by the Pakistani forces, during the Baloch National Gathering.
Eyewitnesses report that the security forces employed excessive force, targeting the protesters deliberately. This act is seen as a severe violation of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, fundamental human rights that are protected under international law.

The BYC alleged that "indiscriminate firing" was carried out on peaceful protestors.
"Extremely distressing news is coming from Gwadar that Pakistan's security forces have once again attacked the peaceful sit-in of the Baloch National Gathering in Padi Zerr Gwadar. Intense and indiscriminate firing is being directed at the peaceful participants, tear gas is being shelled, and many participants are critically injured and being arrested," it stated.
Earlier, the rights group had alleged that Pakistani security forces abducted 12 women and more than 50 men from the Baloch National Gathering.
As thousands of Baloch people gathered near Gwadar port city, Baloch activist Mahrang Baloch saluted the courage and bravery of the people and said that the sit-in would continue until the release of arrested participants. She said that the protests will continue until all the arrested people are released.
"The sit-in will continue until all our convoys reach Gwadar safely and the release of all our arrested participants. For this, we are ready to bear all kinds of pain and make sacrifices," she said in a post.
The Baloch community has endured profound suffering from severe human rights abuses. Enforced disappearances are a critical issue, where individuals are seized by the state or associated forces without legal charges, leaving families in anguishing uncertainty and often subjecting victims to brutal torture.
Extrajudicial killings worsen the situation, targeting activists and critics without fair legal proceedings, instilling widespread fear and quashing dissent.
Torture and mistreatment in detention are widespread, with victims enduring physical and psychological abuse to extract confessions or suppress opposition.
Arbitrary detentions are also common, disrupting lives and fostering a pervasive atmosphere of fear. Additionally, there is significant suppression of free speech, including harassment and censorship of journalists and activists, which stifles public debate and accountability.