Karachi attack warning to Pak, China to quit Balochistan, says Baloch leader
Jul 01, 2020

Balochistan [Pakistan], July 1 : Allah Nazar Baloch, a prominent pro-independence Baloch leader, while paying tribute to the fighters of Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) who were killed in on the Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi on Monday, said that the incident was a warning to Pakistan and China to quit Balochistan.
The Baloch leader said that China is a modern-day imperialist and an aggressive power.
"China has made a long-term plan to use Gwadar as a launching pad by making Balochistan an undeclared colony to dominate the world. Pakistan has cheaply mortgaged Baloch lands to China. China's presence here has become a threat not only to the Baloch national survival but poses a danger to the entire world. We believe that the world is still unaware of China's intentions and that the Baloch are the only ones fighting the modern imperialist monster. The attack on the base of Chinese moneylenders in Karachi following the attack on the Chinese base in Gwadar is in continuation to retrieve our strategic assets," he added.
Nazar said that for some Balochistan may be a part of Pakistan "but for us, this is our motherland".
"We will not hesitate to sacrifice our lives for its sanctity, national identity, and freedom. Pakistan not only occupies our land but has also leased our land to China under the guise of projects like CPEC. Agreements with China are extremely dangerous and have not only been concealed from the Baloch nation but also the establishment is unable to present those agreements before its parliament and senate. The fate of Balochistan is being negotiated with Chinese imperialists through the military generals in the GHQ," he said.
The violence instigated by the establishment has been continuing for years now.
"The Balochs are fighting a revolutionary war. Our people not just sacrifice themselves for the fame but to convey the message of their oppression to the world and to break the pride of the enemy," Nazer said.