Know everything about Easter Sunday and how it is observed?
Apr 09, 2023

New Delhi [India], April 9 : Easter Sunday is a religious Christian holiday that is observed globally to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and while holidays like Christmas have fixed dates, the date for Easter changes from year to year.
According to the Bible, it marks the third day after Jesus was crucified when he rose from the dead. Around the world, Easter is celebrated in various ways, with many cultures incorporating their own traditions and customs into the holiday.
Holy Week, begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. It is a time when Catholics gather to remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Passion was the final period of Christ's life in Jerusalem. It covers the span from when He arrived in Jerusalem to when He was crucified.
The name Holy Week was used in the 4th century by St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, and St. Epiphanius of Constantia. Originally, only Good Friday and Holy Saturday were observed as holy days. Later, Wednesday was added as the day on which Judas plotted to betray Jesus, and by the beginning of the 3rd century, the other days of the week had been added.
When is Easter observed?
Easter is determined by the lunar and solar calendars. Easter is celebrated in Western Christianity on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the vernal (spring) equinox, which usually occurs between March 22 and April 25. The date for Easter changes from year to year. The reason for this variation is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. As a result, the Easter date for the Eastern Church may differ from that of the Western Church.
Why is Easter Sunday important?
As mentioned in the Bible, Christ was crucified on the day of Good Friday and buried in a grave after his last supper which is commemorated as Maundy Thursday. However, on the third day when his disciples visited his grave, they found that the grave was empty. The day marks the triumph of Christ over death and this also makes him the 'Son of God'.
How Do Catholics Celebrate Holy Week?
The day is celebrated with pomp and grandeur every year. Traditions like church visits, baking hot cross buns and decorating Easter eggs are symbolic of Christ's death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb. Children decorate eggs and take part in Easter egg hunts, where the Easter Bunny hides eggs. Around this time of year, some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks, and presents.