Labourer's daughter gets flat for securing first division in Class 10 exams in Indore
Jul 09, 2020

Indore (Madhya Pradesh) [India], July 9 : Delighted with the performance of a labourer's daughter who scored 68 per cent in Class X examination, Municipal Corporation has gifted a house to the bright student as the student along with her family was living on the footpath.
Bharti Khandekar, who was studying in a government school, wants to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer.
She is among three children of Dashrath Khandekar who works as a daily wage labourer. Khandekar never went to school and working hard to ensure their children are not bereaved of education.
Speaking to ANI, Bharti gave the credit of her success to her parents and also thanked her teachers and mentors. "I secured 68 per cent in Class X. The credit of my success goes to my parents who worked hard to send me school. I am happy. I want to become an IAS officer. We were born on the footpath and studied there. We didn't have a house to live in, we were staying on the footpath. I would like to thank the administration for gifting me this house and making my further education free," she said.
Her father Dashrath's happiness knows no bounds after they got a new house. He wants her daughter to become an officer. "My wife and I are daily wage labourers. My daughter passed Class X. I want her to become an officer. I have two sons also. We used to live on a footpath. We were gifted house as my daughter passed the examination with good marks," he said.
Laxmi, who also did not attend school said her daughter worked really hard to pull off this feat. "I am happy that my daughter passed the Class X examination and got us a house. Earlier, we were living on the footpath. For us, my daughter is like Goddess Laxmi. My husband and I, both are illiterate. But our children are studying in government schools. I get Rs 2,000 per month. My daughter studied very hard," she said.
Prashant Dighe of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Indore informed that the girl has been gifted a 1 BHK flat by the Indore Municipal Corporation. "A girl from Indore who was living on footpath secured first division. Commissioner took the cognizance and gifted girl a 1 BHK flat. Commission also made arrangements that the girl gets further education free of cost. Table, chair, books, clothes were also provided to her," he said.