Large number of pharmaceutical consortiums to develop mRNA vaccine are being established in S Korea
Nov 01, 2021

Seoul [South Korea], November 1 (ANI/Global Economic): A large number of consortiums of pharmaceutical-bio companies and research institutes to develop mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines are rapidly being established. As mRNA emerges as a new paradigm for vaccines, consortiums are aiming to jointly develop not only COVID-19 vaccines but also new infectious diseases and cancer vaccines.
However, there are some criticisms that consortiums are established to just gain benefits from the trend of mRNA without clear roadmap.
According to the industry on the 29th, partnerships for mRNA vaccine development is mainly conducted in the form of consortiums and MOU agreements by pharmaceutical-bio companies and research institutes such as universities.
At the end of June, the 'K-mRNA Consortium' led by Hanmi Pharmaceutical, ST Pharm, GC Green Cross, and the Korea Innovative Medicines Consortium (KIMCo) was launched. Since then, Dong-A ST and Ecell have newly joined. Last month, a consortium led by venture companies was established. The Korea Biomedicine Industry Association, three mRNA venture companies (Qurati, Eyegene, GeneOne Life Science), vaccine manufacturer Boryung Biopharma, and the Vaccine Center for Assisting Safety & Technology launched the 'mRNA Bio Venture Consortium.'
The Hanmi Science Consortium, which was preparing to be launched earlier, is also aiming to become global mRNA vaccine hub. Currently, Hanmi Science, COREE Therapeutics, GeneOne Life Sciences, Inovio, BioApp Green Vaccine, HERINGS Digital Medical, Myongji Medical Foundation, GS Neotek, POSTECH and Pohang City are participating.
There are much more types of MOU partnerships. This year, many pharmaceutical-bio companies such as Theragen Bio- ST Pharm, Reyonpharm- Cellumed, mCurex-Toolgen, Palmzen Science- U.S. I.B Pharma, and Celltrion-U.S. TriLink have started mRNA cooperation under the MOU agreements or partnership contracts.
However, there are also criticisms that too many consortiums are being established without clear roadmaps and progress.
The Hanmi Science Consortium, which was prepared to be launched ahead of other consortiums, is aiming to achieve independent mRNA vaccine technology and become a global vaccine hub, but has yet to come up with a clear roadmap or progress.
Considering that the K-mRNA consortium is aiming to apply for phase 1 clinical trial within this year for developing COVID-19 vaccine next year and the mRNA Bio Venture Consortium is currently conducting phase 1 clinical trial, the Hanmi Science Consortium is lagged behind.
In addition to these, various consortiums related to mRNA are currently in progress. Pharmaceutical-bio companies and CMO manufacturers, which have production facilities, are preparing to form a consortium.
"Although there are few companies that have mRNA technologies, too many consortiums are rapidly being established," said an official from the pharmaceutical industry. "In order to develop mRNA vaccines, it is necessary to have infrastructure and technology, especially production facilities. However, only few places in Korea have GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices) facilities that can mass-produce undiluted solutions of mRNA vaccine." The official also pointed out, "It is suspected that they are not aiming to commercialize mRNA vaccines, but to only conduct phase 1 or 2 clinical trials."
Another official said, "It needs to check whether companies have clear mRNA-related business," and that, "Many companies are starting cooperation to be selected for government's mRNA vaccine R&D project."
There are also many positive opinions about access to new technologies through partnerships. "Most of consortiums study to apply mRNA to new infectious diseases and cancer vaccines, not COVID-19 vaccines," an official from the industry said. "As it is difficult to catch up with global technologies in a short period of time, the cooperation under the consortiums will be helpful."
"But there are companies that aim to gain benefits from government support and mRNA trend without a clear plan," he added. "The government's system that can filter out such companies and support well- prepared companies is needed." (ANI/Global Economic)