Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla attends MahaShivratri celebration organized by Isha Foundation in TN's Coimbatore

Mar 02, 2022

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) [India], March 2 : Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla attended the MahaShivratri celebrations organized by Isha Foundation in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
"Today, I got the opportunity to come to Isha Foundation. The occasion of Mahashivratri is celebrated with a lot of pomp and show here. I want to wish and congratulate everyone on the occasion of Mahashivratri," Birla told ANI.

Mahashivratri is considered auspicious for spiritual growth. The festival, also known as 'the great night of Shiva', celebrates the overcoming of darkness and ignorance.
It also celebrates the grand marriage of the lord of destruction, Shiva -- with the goddess of fertility, love, and beauty -- Parvati, who is also known as Shakti (power).

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