MHA allows travel of certain categories of OCI cardholders
May 22, 2020

New Delhi [India], May 22 : The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has allowed travel of certain categories of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders to India.
An office memorandum (OM) from the MHA on Friday with the subject line -- 'Visa and Travel restrictions in response to COVID-19' -- states: "Permitting certain categories of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders, who are stranded abroad, to come to India."
"The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's O.M. of even number dated May 7, regarding Visa and Travel restrictions in response to COVID-19 Evacuation of Indian nationals stranded aborad and to say that the matter regarding permitting certain categories of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders, who are stranded abroad, to come to India in relaxation of the travel restrictions imposed has been considered by the Government of India," states the OM.
According to OM, "it has now been directed to permit the following categories of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders, who are stranded abroad, to come to India- Minor children born to Indian nationals abroad and holding OCI cards. OCI cardholders who wish to come to India on account of family emergencies like death in family.
Couples where one spouse is an OCI cardholder and the other is an Indian national and they have a permanent residence in India. University students who are OCI cardholders (not legally minors) but whose parents are Indian citizens living in India."
"Consequently, the travel restrictions imposed vide this Ministry's O.M. of even number dated May 7 referred to above would not apply to any aircraft, ship, train or any other vehicle deployed for bringing back the above-mentioned categories of OCI cardholders who are stranded abroad," adds the OM.
All other terms and conditions laid down in this Ministry's OM of even number dated May 7 shall continue to remain in effect, says the OM.