MP: Upset over not getting fair price for his produce, farmer sets 1 quintal of garlic on fire in Ujjain
Dec 19, 2021

Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) [India], December 19 : Upset over not getting a fair price for his produce, a farmer set one quintal of his garlic produce on fire at Ujjain's Mandsaur Krishi Upaj Mandi in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday.
Shankar, the farmer said that he had invested Rs 2.5 lakhs in garlic and was being offered only Rs 1 lakh for it.
"We do not want any bonus from the government, just the right price for our crop," he said.
Following the incident, mandi employees handed him over to the police.
Jitendra Pathak, Yashodharman police station in-charge said, "A farmer was upset for getting less price for his crop in the market, so he set his one quintal of garlic crop on fire."
"In the preliminary investigation, no damage has been done to anyone else in the vicinity," he added.
Presently, there is a bumper garlic crop in the Mandsaur Krishi Upaj Mandi and farmers from different districts are coming to sell their produce here.