NCPCR re-issues guidelines on the abandonment of bore wells, drilled wells
Dec 08, 2023

New Delhi [India], December 8 : In light of the increase in cases pertaining to children falling into abandoned bore wells, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has re-issued guidelines on the abandonment of bore wells and drilled wells, and safety norms to all the chief secretaries of all states on Friday.
"The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, in light of the increase in cases pertaining to small children falling into abandoned bore wells and keeping in mind the safety and security of the minor children, deems it necessary to re-circulate the Guidelines for abandonment of bore wells and drilled wells and the safety norm for ensuring effective implementation of the same," NCPCR Chairperson Priyank Kanungo said.
The Commission also advises all states and UT's to take appropriate measures for safely removing children trapped in borewells, tube wells, etc., through effective use of the "Borewell Robot Rescue System," which has also been adopted as a technique by the NDRF in their Standard Operating Procedure on Borewell Incident Response issued by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Kanungo added.
The Commission therefore highly recommends all states procure the Borewell Robot Rescue System and also conduct training for all its concemed officials.
1. The owner of the land or premises, before taking any steps for constructing bore wells or tube wells, must inform in writing at least 15 days in advance to the concerned authorities in the area, i.e., District Collector/ District Magistrate/Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat/any other Statutory Authority/concerned oflicers of the Department of Ground Water/Public Health/ Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, about the construction of bore well/tube wells.
2. Registration of all the drilling agencies, namely, government, semi-government, private, etc., should be mandatory with the district administration or statutory authority wherever applicable.
3. Erection of a signboard at the time of construction near the well with the following details: (a) Complete address of the drilling agency at the time of construction or rehabilitation of the well. (b) The complete address of the user agency or owner of the well.
4. Erection of barbed wire fencing or any other suitable barrier around the well during construction.
5. Construction of a cement or concrete platform measuring 0.50x0.50x0.60 metre (0.30 metre above ground level and 0.30 metre below ground level) around the well casing.
6. Capping of well assembly is done by welding steel plate or by providing a strong cap to be fixed to the casing pipe with bolts and nuts.
7. In the case of pump repair, the tube well should not be left uncovered.
8. Filling of mud pits and channels after completion of works.
9. Filling up abandoned bore wells by clay sand/boulders /pebble drill cuttings, etc., from bottom to ground level.
10. On completion of the drilling operations at a particular location, the ground conditions are to be restored as before the start of drilling.
11. The district collector should be empowered to verify that the above guidelines are being followed and that proper monitoring checks about the status of boreholes/tube wells are being taken care of by the concerned State/Central and central government agencies.