New Covid measures comes in force today in Sofia
Oct 15, 2021

Sofia [Bulgaria], October 15 (ANI/Novinite): New anti-epidemic measures come into force - extracurricular activities for students stop today in Sofia.
Attendance at restaurants, cinemas, gyms and seminars can be at full capacity only if everyone in the hall or room has vaccination certificates.
This is provided by the order of the capital's RHI, which comes into force today.
The education in the schools in Sofia will be on a rotating basis, according to the morbidity. The decision will be made by school principals. However, extracurricular activities such as dance or language schools are discontinued. Visits to the malls will only take place with an adult companion or parent.
The rules in the restaurants are unchanged - a distance of 1.5 meters, up to 6 people at a table and working hours between 7:00 and 23:00. Nightclubs are also given a chance to work. Only under one condition - 100 per cent vaccinated, sick or tested staff, and the same applies to customers.
Cinemas, theatres, gyms, seminars, museums and galleries will operate up to 30 per cent. If visitors and staff have green certificates, they will work at full capacity. Including group training in gyms.
The family celebrations will have up to 25 guests outdoors and 15 indoors.
Indoor and outdoor sports competitions will be without an audience.
Organized tourist trips and visits to sites and visits to hospitals are prohibited.
For markets, the requirement for one-way traffic remains.
The order has caused concern among the director of 107 Khan Krum Primary School, Danko Kalapish. He does not feel competent to judge when morbidity would require a shift to rotational training.
"I consider myself ill-prepared in the field of medicine to judge such matters."
There are seven proven cases in the school. There are no worries at 140 Ivan Bogorov High School, said principal Maya Zafirova.
"To monitor whether the incidence will rise. We are doing it anyway, we have no patients." (ANI/Novinite)